THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Flashback Dead Trigger Gumm Cameron Steele Shit On SCORE 2007 Baja 1000


Pictured above, at the finish line of the Baja 1000 2007, the late Trigger Gumm, Cameron Steele associate, Desert Assassin team member and originator of the trade name, 'Metal Muisha'.


New! June 29, 2022

Origin from June 26 First Reported by


CLICK HERE FOR THE ORIGIN REPORTING, WE WERE THE ONLY REPORTING SERVICE TO TALK WITH Scameron Steele and Trigger Gumms Family. Trig died of a drug overdose with his friend, who denied his ongoing drug use...HERE 


This series of factoids was a discussion directly after the heinous late Trigger Gumm 2007 Baja 1000 run.





*Trigger Gumm is a thief and a liar.

*Trigger Gumm is an imposter. It's pretty easy to see that Trigger could easily have determined that 15x was Solo'ing and using MAG7 well in advance of the race (just do some google searches and you can find that info in like 5 mins). Sure appears to an outsider that Mr. Gumm totally pre-mediated that he was going to "pose" as 15x and utilize Gabe's pit services. I'm just really, really glad Gabe didn't get a servere injury, have someone report him down but then have people say "oh it appears 15x must be ok, I just saw him ride by...." and have no help come for Gabe. All because some a-hole named after Roy Roger's horse is posing as Gabe.

* Oh and BTW the whole thing about riding from San Clemente on what I assume is a non plated 450x to go to a family reunion in La Paz defies all logic.

* I just ran into him at the store and told him how everybody's panties are in a bunch. 'He got gas from friends pits'.

* This is interesting.... 15X for the 2007 250, has a 650R registered as the race bike.  ... however, did indeed race a 450 for the race.  And it does look like the same bike. Just with the larger fuel tank. Could it be?!

*But i totally know the name Trigger Gumm and that he poached the 40th 1000...

*We have to remember that he not only messed up the SCORE results. He put in danger solo rider GABRIEL WILLIAMS on 15x, and He also took all the press from the rightfull solo finisher 48x GREG GODFREY. It will be interesting to hear the opinion of Greg 48x about all. If some one can get him here please do it.

Other than that we know that he short cut the course, and show up at the finish line as an Ironman finisher.

*Just to be accurate...The 2007 Baja 500 - 15X was yes, Marc Burnet's team.  The 2006 Baja 500 - 15X was 15x Jimmy Lewis and team on a BMW HP2  The 2006 SF 250 - no 15X as entries only went to 12X.  The 2006 Baja 1000 - 15X, entry DNS - removed from start list  The 2007 Baja 250 - 15x Cameron Steele\ Grant Steele \Craig Smith, Brawley, Calif., Honda XR650R...maybe we should check back even further?! 
Even if he used the 2007 250's the right number, wrong bike as his 1000 "pre-run" ride is a 450X.  There's more fiction in his "Here's the truth" statement than we even thought.

*...obviously he didn't stay on course from start to the area just past Santo Domingo, we have photos just South of race mile 220. If he did, he'd not be in front of the WHOLE pack!

*Take out the fact that he probably poached pits, selectively rode parts of the race course during the race, disrespected every racer who planned, paid, and took the B1K seriously, I am most bothered that he doesn't seem to acknowledge or have remorse for the situation that he could have put the real 15x in. It's been said many times already, but had either of them gone down bad it would have created mass confusion and possibly delayed seriously needed medical attention, nevermind the emoitional distress for loved ones of the real 15x.  There is really no excuse. If he wanted to "pre-run" he would have gone BEFORE the race, hence PRE run. Or he could have waited 24 hours and gone late. I have a hard time believing anyone could just decide on a whim to head to La Paz on their bike without serious knowledge of how they were going to get gas nevermind the stock tank. It would be interesting to know how the ride from SC to the Border went too.  I know that Sal needs to address this. If he condones this type of action, then what prevents this from occurring again? I doubt he would ban anyone, he is too passive for that.  I also know I have no intention of supporting any of his sponsors and they will know this. It may be insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but enough people stop and they'll listen.

*I just spoke with Trigger as he's on his way to do some tow-in surfing at Mavericks tomorrow. Where are you gonna be "surfandride"? If you're so bent, maybe you should take it up with him in the water. His best friend and him are like brothers and have raced Baja for 20 years. His bro had 4 race teams in the 1000. So what if he cruised through, similar to a chase vehicle? He didn't enter, and didn't claim to win. 
When the press came up to him at the finish, Trigger said "I wasn't even in the race". 
He didn't get a rally logger because he wasn't registered in the race. When he heard that 15x crashed from Weatherman, he decided to run it, like I said before, for fun. I'm sure his "loved ones" as well as everyone else heard the news as well. There are lots of chase trucks and other people on the course at numerous times and places and I highly doubt that Trigger "got in anyone's way". "Stealing pit services"? Well like I mentioned before his bro had numerous pits, not to mention, many friends along the way. 
As for going backwards near Coco's, it was to borrow a light. Trigger got new tires installed at Performance Motor Sports and jumped right on the freeway in front of everyone there. He said the drive was a cruise, just like the course. It was all last minute. Had he known he was going to be there he would've been on his bro's team. If you were going to visit family in La Paz, on a solo ride, can you think of a safer day, with bro's all along the way? As for an "army of one", he founded the Metal Mulisha. 
Trigger, alone, is one army I wouldn't want to EVER have to tangle with, even after studying martial arts for 14 years. I've seen the results first hand, several times. However, never without warrant. He's always been and still is the most mellow, coolest friend, long before any fame. The guy just likes to ride, like everyone else. Get over it.

* I was at the finish line, talked with trigger gumm,  he Introduced himself to me as Trigger at the finish line in Cabo...before dark on wednesday 11/14  Said he solo'd all the way down from his house in San Clemente...  Also said he holds the world record for long distance moto jump...300' +  I axed him if his name was Gabe...because I knew about Gabe's attempt...  he said he unofficially solod the entire race...The tank looks stock...  He said he spent a total of $138.00  He didn't say weather or not he hit (or killed) a pig...  I'm a bit skeptical that he could've moto'd his 450 from his garage in San Clemente all the way to CSL...  I believe this is the mystery man everyone is talking about....  He also added that he's good friends with fellow San Clemente resident, Cameron Steele...

No doubt it was a cheap race for him, especially if he was able to use all of 15X's pits at no cost ! The $138 was probably just a bar tab at the end.

*The real 15x said, "From what I gathered he stole an entry, stole gas from Mag-7, shorted the course in many places & by using my # he could have potentially put me either in danger (had he crashed and my chase may have gone looking for a downed 15x) or put my finish in question( had I finished..haha). Took the publicity and glory away from the other solo finishers, especially the rightful 1st place rider. I don't understand why he wouldn't just ask his sponsors, like Service Honda, to pay instead of embarrasing them".

*Trigger Gumm facts from his sponsor page, back in the day:

Birth date: 06-15-68

Birth Place: San Clemente, CA

Current Residence: Mission Viejo, CA

Started riding: age 7

Turned pro: age 25

Career Accomplishments:

- Five Guinness Book of World Records for career long jumps.

- Holds world record on a Service Honda 450, set in July 23 2006.

Other sports and hobbies: Skating, surfing, and flying

Music – Rock

Food –Fast food

Car – Ford

Sponsors: Metal Mulisha, etnies, Lost, Service Honda, Roland Sands, Troy Lee, Hoven, Balls Deep, Lost Energy Drink, Jackson Motorsports/BFGoodrich Tires/MICHELIN.

*Trigger said he was making up for lst year (Where he rode 330 miles in the 2006 Baja 1000 aboard the bike of 19x);  19x Cameron Steele, San Clemente, Calif./Grant Steele, Hemet, Calif./Trigger Gumm, Mission Viejo, Calif., Honda XR650R.

*The real 15x said, "Sal has him at every pit stop, go ahead and check. The rider given that number crashed after 30 miles. Yes, it was unorthodox. Irresponsible, probably. So what if it doesn't count? He did it for FUN, and for no other reason. That was the whole point. Don't hate, appreciate! The guy likes to ride and that's it. Why does it make you so upset? Your comments make you sound like a sore loser.  I am 15x - bike broke at rm477. No crashes for me at rm30. Saw fake 15x riding backwards on the course near Coco's, the only place I saw him.  As for stealing - I'm not going to argue whether or not you think not paying an entry or getting fuel from pits not paid is considered theft or lacks integrity - it's obvious you or whoever doesn't think in those terms...... but the fake 15x did STEAL the honor, notoriaty and publicity of the registered and rightful 1st place solo finisher.  BTW - there is no "solo" or "ironman" class in SCORE."

*So you "dare" guys and your bro 'BajaSniper' throws out the "I'll see you on the course". Nice. Good sportsmanship all the way.
*He paid for his gas
He did? Did he use a Pit service? His bike has an OEM size tank, good for what, 50-60 miles? So how did he get fuel during most sections, stop at the Pemex's along the trail?

*What trigger did is inexcusable. For one he is a sponsored or professional athlete. In my opinion sponsored athletes should be ambassadors of the sport not out doing mindless things that endanger other people and bringing negative press around them and their sponsors. I agree what he did was stealing and he should be banned for life from Score events. And the fact that he admitted it doesn't make even remotely right. The first solo rider in did not get the credit he deserves. I understand that in freestyle world there are a few of those guys that have the I don't give a crap attitude. I think it comes across as disrespectful towards the fans and industry. That attitude does not belong in desert racing. It seems that Trigger is proud of himself for what he did, he has pictures of himself on his myspace home page in the race.  Obviously the guy has no respect or thought for anybody else if he is actually proud of cheating. Just my 2 cents.

*"Trigger" just showed up online as 'BAJASNIPER',

*Essentailly, as stated by most riders throughout this thread, this guy did not race in the baja 1000, did not finish the baja 1000, solo, ironman or even "do" the Baja 1000...I was there in the finishers area talking to him. I must've been the first or second guy to talk to him. BTW-he was NOT sincere, friendly or seeming to be remotely proud of anything-not the kind of reaction anyone would expect from a guy who accomplished something so big, important, rare and he acted, to me, like it was no big deal; aloof...I said, "naw, really? you did the whole thing?" ..."Yup"  and I walked away with a photo and a bad taste in my mouth about him. I told everyone in my crew that I thought it was a joke. NO WAY  It didn't add up to me, but its a total "non-issue" now...Looking at his bike, lack of lighting, stock tank, wheel sets, etc., he did not do the same thing as Godfrey (who BTW, should GO-OFF on Nitro Circus about this). Godfrey pre-ran, and raced 1296 mi. I thought to myself NO PHUCQUEN WAY on 15x(:ride:.

*All of this time, myself and several of my riding buddies have obviously been wrong in our definition of cheating, stealing, and unethical behavior. Now, thanks to Trigger, we've been set right. Now that we know it's not unethical or stealing, or cheating, we have finalized our plans for next years Baja races. Since signing up for pits is so expensive, and the entry isn't cheap either.......and the whole tech inspection is such a PITA, we have decided to simply pick a bike number at random and jump onto the course just outside of Ensenada. With luck, we'll get one that's pitting with Honda so we can get tire changes and filters done as well as gas. Talk about a money saver! Wow, I can't thank you enough Trigger for helping me out with this. I can't wait now, as instead of 15-20K, the next B1K is only going to cost me gas to Ensenada! Originally, it was just going to be five of us doing it as a team, but with this eye opening money saving program Trigger introduced me too.........10 of us are going to Ironman it together. The sweet alternate lines that Trigger found, like using Mex 1 to cut off that whole pesky San Iggy/Jaunico section will be priceless! We may even top ten!

*So it looks like he did skip all from the ensenada wash(red bull jump para la foto) to mikes by highway3, took mikes loop to Hwy 1 to cabo??? I wonder if he got in the bus.... BTW, it does look like your boy cut the course in a few places, of course, if he had signed up and ran the logger..........that wouldn't have happened.

*Photos from in between San Ignacio and Loreto (san juanico I think)      but if there's a shot of 15x( then that would settle the question of weather he went through San Juanico...I took a quick look but      IF ANYONE WANTs TO PROVE 15x(:busted: did NOT SKIP SI TO SJ (and you have the time) above  That is somewhere before San Ignacio.

*I'm still waiting for him to pick his poison............  1. Either he skipped large sections in order to hit Pemex stations or...  2. He coat tailed in the pits.  Which was it? Choose, either he cheated the pits for gas, or he didn't iron man the whole thing. We're waiting.  Funny, haven't heard from any of the pits saying 15X paid them cash for gas.

*Be interesting to see how many times 15X pitted after they were out.

*Directly from Trigger: "Heres the truth....Got home Monday from a trip and decided to see my buddies in the Baja 1000. I was already going to head to La Paz for a family reunion at my dads compound so I loaded up a backpack with some trunks and sandals and grabed a bike that we rode in the Baja 500, it happened to be 15X. I took off from San Clemente and headed south on the 5 freeway to Ensenada. I got a bite to eat and stayed the night in a hotel. I woke up at dawn and took off to pre run Baja. I wasn't in the race, I wasn't part of the race and I didn't claim to be in the race. I paid for my fuel, paid for my tacos and I paid for my own beer along the way. At one of the pits I pulled in to check the status of my friends with Weatherman and I heard 15X was out of the race and also my friend was having problems. I went on my way, it was a great ride, no presures and no hassels. When I got tired I stopped, when I got thirsty I drank and basically I had a great time pre running Baja all the way down. I was waiting at the finish line for my friends to finish. I was talking with a friend and then a guy from a forum came up to me and started asking questions. I told him I wasn't in the race and I was just pre running all of Baja. The only person who knew I was doing this was my wife and I decided to ride my bike instead of taking a plane or car to meet up with my family in La Paz. In regards to how out of control this has all gotten is because this guy from a forum wanted to start s**t and get his lame site some publicity. I NEVER thought that they had me at every check point and scored me as the overall Ironman winner. I get paid to ride motos and I was just having fun. For the haters that are scared of Baja because it is too dangerous, stay at home! I really didn't mean to bum anyone out and I was doing this for fun and not at anyones expense. I will never be on this site again, it is lame but I just wanted to get my side of the story out there. You can hit me up at go to /real trigger gumm."

*Here is what I received from Rocky, via Trigger's wife:  "At one of the pits...I was doing this for fun and not at anyones expense  Didn't work out that way. Who fueled you?...because this guy from a forum wanted to start s**t and get his lame forum some publicity. I will never be on this forum again, it is lame but I just wanted to get my side of the story out there. You can hit me up at go to /real trigger gumm."

*We were sitting on the Santo Domingo Road waiting to possibly re-fuel the 12X helo. 15X came flying down the road (from Hwy 1 heading east) just after 1X, 9X etc. went by at RM 205. I commented to my buddies that it seemed really odd that a race bike would be rejoining the course from that direction. It now makes a lot more sense.

*FIRST and FOREMOST... we all have to realize, the guy is nuts.
Wow...this guy is an ambassador for our sport?

*Nobody really farkin gave a shit about you and your "pre-run" with drinks and rests and whatever. NOBODY gave a crap...including me...

This discussion started here with 'mexihonkey' (Gabe; 15X) thanking the many people who helped him...He had no intention (check the thread) of talking shit about you...Instead, he was showing his gratitude to those who helped him along his long and expensive journey...

I myself had never intended to expose and publish my opinion that you (NO WAY) could not have legitimately raced 1296 miles the fair way and then crossed the finish line the way you did nor when you did (in pretty good shape).

When I was reading Gabe's post (this one) the question of mystery man 15X came up...With my memory in check, I wrote my first post about you and the conversation we had at the finish line... and I'm really glad I did.

So no one really gave a crap until some of your henchmen posted here in defense of your "pre-run"...

I can't speak for anyone but myself, so here it is: I think you knew I was in disbelief when you told me that you rode the entire course...with a stock tank, no crew, etc... I simply did not believe you (still don't) failed to convince me that you "did it".

"I loaded up a backpack with some trunks and sandals and grabed a bike that we rode in the Baja 500, it happened to be 15X." think 15x in the Baja 500 was a Suzuki..."

*We have to remember that he not only messed up the SCORE results. He put in danger solo rider GABRIEL WILLIAMS on 15x, and He also took all the press from the rightful solo finisher 48x GREG GODFREY. It will be interesting to hear the opinion of Greg 48x about all. If some one can get him here please do it.

Other than that we know that he short cut the course, and show up at the finish line as an Ironman finisher.

Did he took gas from the pits with out paying for it??? Well that we can find out.


More was discussed in February 2, 2009:


-Cameron Steele finally went online and added this, after two years of not saying a word in public on the topic:

"Well this subject has been sort of quite(sp) [we think he meant to write 'quiet'] the last couple days so I thought I would pull the pin on a grenade.

Before any of you post your hate for 15x let these facts be know(sp)....['known']

-15x = Trigger Gumm = World record long distance jumper = one of the original FMX riders = Epic guy to ride Baja with (I have ridden to the Tip 4 times with him, you should try it) = one bad ass right hook if you have it coming = 1 error in judgment when he rode his bike along with the Baja 1000 for fun in 2007 but didn't think about taking old numbers off the bike, hence 15x.

-Yes, he was a dumb arse - bad idea to ride but terrible idea to ride with a number.

-Yes, people on the web flamed him.

-Yes, he is like my brother but I do not condone what he did.

-Yes, he was booted from SCORE for 1 year - Sal personally tossed him.

-Yes, he asked to be allowed to race 2 of the three Baja races in 2008 and SCORE denied him.

-Yes, he served his penalty.

-Yes, he raced a Trophy Truck with Clyde Stout at Laughlin #13.

-Yes, he is racing at San Felipe. [2009]

-Yes, you should give him a chance to be a good Baja soldier.

For those that still harbor a grudge then go ahead and cry, probably the same wankers that flamed me at Honda for painting old junk cars along the race course that a year later were either scrapped for metal or were sand blasted over the year.

I know that some of you are traditionalists and so am I but a little bit of sh!t stirred up is a good time.

Have a nice day!"


*You know, to add another angle to this. We here in Baja don't rail guys who have knowingly short coursed a race course, taken publicized short cuts to beat guys ahead of them (Dust to Glory" comes to mind) where the world watched Team Honda do just that and thought it was entertainment. 

Team Honda lost 1st place at the 07 SF 250 for doing just that, just miles into the race when it was over and done with. Other teams have violated the rules that say the DOR must either start or finish the race and still wont for years. 

A Baja Class 30 racer was accused for years of cheating. Loading his bike up on highway sections and using more than one bike to race with. Nothing was ever said after those races. Several of the big and not so big names have done what Trigger did, but without using someones else's number. They did it using their own race numbers. 

I've only been involved with off road racing in Baja since 1970, but even then, guys used to claim that Husqvarna had to change out their engines mid way down the route to finish the races. In the 1985 B1K, Team Honda and Kawasaki and McMillin had one short cut so well marked with their colored ribbons, that Sal changed the course for all of us to use it the night before the race at the racers meeting in Ensenada, avoiding a really nasty silt bed south of San Ignacio. Kawi, Honda and McMillan had their emergency pit crews set up there to, among other things, report any entries in their classes that short coursed the race course there also.

*Thanks for the press release PAB[Cameron Steele, self accepted online name, 'Pussy Ass Bitch'] :thumbsup:

For those of you who need to get up to speed, here’s a brief history:

Trigger Gumm, aka 15x :laughingoutloud:, was persecuted in a public forum.

The stigma is fortified in these discussion pages.

Here’s a video clip of a moto-hero trying to pull wool over a Mexican reporter’s eyes. Even the reporter didn’t believe him. Trigger Gumm still holds the world record holder for BS [see video below]

He never made a proper apology. Now a rich and famous TV announcer [PAB Cameron Steele] wants to throw a preemptive grenade into the discussion and somehow clean up the name? :smilingface: Where was full-bro Cameron Steele when TG [Trigger Gumm] was getting publicly tared and feathered. That's right, nary a peep from PAB.

What he did and, more importantly, how he handled his self afterward, was considered by many to be so lame that his name reached near “icon” status in this discussion; the international symbol for “total jagoff”. 

It was only funny for a few weeks and it all died down. A few people in this discussion still might randomly refer to the term “Trigger” in exchange for XXXXXX.

Sal told me that 15x :laughingoutloud: was begging him to let him race (the last 1000)[2008] and Sal said, quoting his exact words:

“When I told him no, he got in my face about it. This guy is brain dead.”  

An apology from anyone doesn't mean jack-silt at this point. Let him race and you never know, maybe some day he can become "master of baja".


-On April 27, 2009 Cameron Steele tried to start up another discussion about Trigger Gumm, his Desert Assassins and JCR Honda and their relationship with Honda Motorcycles.

"Well it all started a few years, sorry our, class 22 bike team innocently raced the San Felipe 250 and we were quite lucky to draw like last...or 15X

This bike sat around my garage for a while and then it sat around at some other houses and then it ended up leaning at the right full owners house, well actually the bike is owned by someone else but that's another story.

So this owner, sort of, gets an see he is from San Clemente and if any of you know this ghetto little surf town you know it breads some strange and talented individuals.

Christian and Nathan Fletcher, Matt Archibold, Beschen Bros. and former SX and MX legends Craig Canoy and Ray Sommo....these guys are awesome riders and really, well sort of, have been on another planet at times....don't even get me started on the Shippy......

So anywho...this bike has a number on happens to be November, 3rd weekend or this San Clemente maniac looks at the bike, leaning on the pool equipment....outside and in the rain...well it's So Cal so its really just mist or fog...he decides it's time to go for a ride.

Gear up, back pack on and well since all his buddies are racing this little enduro in Mexico he grabs his 450x, well sort of his, and heads south on the 5 freeway.

It's getting late and he arrives in Ensenada, taco stand yes and then I happen across this bike leaning on the elevator shaft of the Villa Marina, yes in the lobby.

Man this bike looks familiar.....

anyway jump forward 1.5 years and now this wholesome young moto racer draws the last start position for the Baja 500 and his number is 15x......

Coincidence? I think not

He is from San Clemente - YES

His team is from San Clemente - YES

His mentor is from San Clemente - which mentor - both so YES

His partner is from San Clemente - YES

The legend of 15X was born in San Clemente - YES

I know you hate this, me and San Clemente but there is no way you can hate 15X!

Viva 15X"

*15x is JCR "B"  But I'm confused (as usual)... it's Colty/Quinn/Ox on 15x but I think we're all thinking it was Trigger who rode down the I-5. So does that mean Colty or Ox rode the freeway also?  Another thing I was thinking - When Childress/McCoy won the B.500 OA what was their # ?
*He rode into the finish area and masqueraded around as if he was a race participant stealing thunder from real racers deserving of a little camera time. The only people that should be at the finish are Sal, chase teams, paying race participants, spectators and Tecate beer girls in short shorts handing me a beer.
*Not sure if your aware, but that BRIEF moment was all down the peninsula. Stopping at occasional pits, riding the course - getting photo ops, ... icing on the cake was the finish line. I wouldn't call any of that brief, and I'm not sure who thought it was a funny "prank" :banghead: ... but I know for sure it wasn't the iron-riders of that race.
*The &%$#@! Flat Billers And That Old &%$#@! Thought It Was Funny.  Some As-sholes do not realize or care that many of us work hard for our money and sacrifice a lot to race these races.

you left Chris 'Weirdo" Wardo off your list of heroes from San Clemente- another "LOST" guy.

Meanwhile some folks are upset...I'd be upset too if I drew the cursed number 15x. You think JCR is stoked on it or what. "Naw they don't care"---(their 13x bike collided with 15x last 500, taking Gosselaar to the Hospital and 13 out of the "race")

Yep. Me too. I was one of the few people in this discussion who had raced to the finish area at the 40th Annual Baja 1000 peninsula run (legitimately) prior to his royal jaggoff fronting a FUEL TV facade. There are a handful of others like, BBM, Cracker 1, (also Joe D., AAron Tuck. Corfman, Dan. Walsh, Steve Martz (even JATLOL) whose teams risked the ultimate sacrifice to "race" the big one. Yet all of these names had finished the race by the time Wilbur Kookmeyer   [Trigger Gumm] stopped by.

I was so over TG's lack of public relations and general "life" know-how when I stopped posting about him in 07. I had forgiven this person for lying to my face while trying to insult my intelligence. I'm like "Naw? though really" I did not believe in the tooth fairy in 2007 and so neither was I going to fall for that lofty hoax that he tried to sell me on.

I knew about his little stunt but did not post about it since it was a giant fib (and I really didn't give it a 2nd thought). Later, the story emerged. While I certainly won't encourage creating threads that reference TG... I do frankly enjoy the attempted debate.

no one gives a crap about a sleepy azz beach town. it ain't no Mecca and they ain't nothin hardcore or ghetto about San Clemente. Its nothing more than a really nice place to live and surf. Hardcore? Just ask the SD boyz down in IB, 1602 or Scotty Myers who was casing on SC and straight outa the IE (where the MX heavies fight out of).


*=Actual posting identities hidden. 





Cameron Steele Associate - Desert Assassins - Metal Mulisha




"No Team in I".

Trigger Gumm, Finish Line of the 2007 Baja 1000 in Cabo San Lucas

In the video, Trigger Gumm admits he "was not with any team". However, he stole the services and products of Baja Pits all the way down the peninsula for the entire race. 

Baja Pits president Carlos Orozco told at the time, "Trigger Gumm, the moto rider, told our crews all along the race course, from Ensenada to Los Cabos, that 'he was on Cameron Steele's Metal Mulisha team', that's how he received the services".

Carlos also told, "the next time Cameron, Trigger or anyone else with Metal Mulisha, Desert Assassins or Big Daddy's people come through our pits, they owe us in excess of $4K US!, Gas Grass or Ass Nobody takes our stuff for free or without some hurt".  


-Trigger Gumm was infamous for shitting all over the Mexican SCORE-International events here in Ensenada! He would not sign-up, or inscribe on the official roster and race events to the finish line.


Trigger Gumm Cameron Steele Desert Assassins Crash Another Race Truck - Archive

He was infamous for showing up at the finish line, talking with Sal with the checkers, and saying shit like, "I had a great race, all the way".

He was infamous for getting stolen (unpaid) pit services for entire events! And hanging with Scameron Steele perping frauds and crimes...

Gary Newsome, Edited by Publisher, Ensenada, BC Mexico


  1. Anonymous9:57 PM

    What a piece of shit site. He supposedly fucked up your Baja race so you want to shit talk his death. I’m curious what family members confirmed it was a OD? Oh thats right, you haven’t spoke to any of us or you would know what the autopsie and tox report showed. What a disgusting piece of shit site this is. I am appalled.

  2. Dear Appalled, please forward any information you feel the public should know about Trigger Gumm's untimely death. We will print your submission with no edits or commentary. Respectfully, Gary Publisher
