THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Saturday, August 20, 2022

CALIFORNIA 300 2022 LIVE ! ONLINE SPEWAGE BLM SUCKAGE Barstow Bureau of Land MisManagement Martelli Josh


October 15, 2022


Patrick J. Chicas (gadfly):  

"LOL! $3500 for an Unlimited Entry! That would cover all entry fees, BBQ and Beer costs for the entire MORE racing season. - WAFJ! $1000-1200 for everyone else for a ButtHoleBarstow race - WAFJ!"







UPDATED: August 20


Gary Newsome, Publisher Ensenada, BC Mexico

Over the Fourth of July holiday weekend, the BLM California District Director, called out Matt Martelli, "THIEF".

In off the record remarks, the director was reviewing the history of documents sent over from the Las Vegas, Nevada district of the (BLM) Bureau of Land Management.

The director of the California District went further, "our investigation is continuing".

Original reporting from February 2022:

Just hours after the Midgets announce this, the racers line up to pour race fuel on this idea and light it on FIRE!

Martelli Hack Response:

"Two things happening here. #1 - The Barstow window is October, which means if a separate UTVWC were going to also happen this year, it would have to move dates...presumably spring where the calendar is already full and with limited time to announce. #2 - As noted in the article someone posted, the bigger effort is to secure more space to expand in Havasu beyond Standard Wash and maybe have that lead into a car/truck race, not just UTVs. To do that requires a lot of extra bureaucracy, which is being worked through.  The local Havasu field office is very supportive of those efforts and has assisted in recommending actions needed to make it happen. It will just take some time to work through those hoops. So again, for 2022 it was more practical to keep the Barstow dates in October and make that also be this year's UTVWC, rather than shift dates for a separate event in Havasu." 

Racer: "to promote an event with the goal of creating an "EVENT" like the Mint with a comparable car count & talent pool, then promote that event and similar spectator aspects in Barstow, while not adequately addressing the "weekend goons" (your words) is just irresponsible.  

Those "weekend goons" represent the majority of off road users, as opposed to "desert racers", who according to car counts who represent a minority of off road users. Those "Goons" have every right to utilize the public lands and to assume that adequate word and warning of an event in Barstow could be spread through SM is unrealistic and stupid.  

On a warm afternoon, mid MDR race with a smaller car count. A faster limited class buggy was racing on the marked course when 2 motorcycle riders going from Dale Evans PKWY to Slash X for lunch and a beer, who had no clue there was a race; crossed the course resulting in an accident that killed one rider and changed the drivers and other riders lives forever.  

Now consider putting in that same open area 100+ cars that can do 80-100mph on a 75 mile loop with let's say 30-50 points of access and hundreds of intersecting trails seems a little like playing Russian roulette with an automatic. Assuming your concept of spreading the word through SM to 25-50K potential non race-casual users is 50% effective, the risk is still massive. Now toss in the all important "off road culturists" that this event will be promoted to, and then consider that focus groups proven apathy or inability to use common sense, and you multiply the opportunity for an incident significantly.  

For years this sport has been perched on the precipice of oblivion and there are a number of factions just waiting for that: "I told you so" moment. Unless the promoter can prove they are working to mitigate 100% of the risk, is it really worth the future of the sport? If this event was planned for Lucerne, Jean or Havasu I could care less (as long as the promoted approached it responsibly): But Barstow is a different animal with unique concerns. I was at a number of the FIREWORKS races and witnessed 1st hand the stupidity that ensued because a BIG RACE was happening and have also seen it at some MORE & MDR events with less of a draw. The bottom line is race-non race close calls in Barstow are more common than people realize and having the community, or a promoter bury their heads in the sand and not really consider that fact is just inviting disaster..."


Patrick J. Chicas (gadfly): "And the strong percentage if not overwhelming majority of Racers do not want $3000 entry fees, $250 a night camping spots and $50 spectator fees for their family members that can't fit under the "team member" criteria in an open OHV area."

"Thanks for admitting what we expected about the fees for this Fartelli Barstow event."

"Well, I just heard that the entry fees are $3000 per vehicle and $500 per driver or co-driver. So, $4000-$5000 per entry. Can you confirm this".


Racer: "hmmm, open desert , no speed limit, open ocean sharks everywhere, its a dangerous world, if ma & pa kettle toss the chillins' in the buggy for a Saturday afternoon drive to slash x, i guess it's the racers responsibility to look out for Them, not themselves".

Racer: "I think Martellis really missed the mark on scheduling. Yes October has nice weather but it’s dead in the middle of Legacy, BItD, and MORE wrapping up their seasons and a month before the Baja 1000 when all SCORE racers have their cars torn down."

Racer: "The Mint guys never listen to anyone. They just want to grab whatever they can".

Racer: "If you guys (the Martelli Midgets) run this like the Mint 400 in Barstow, you will piss off a lot of people. People race M.OR.E due to the fact of open OHV land for camping, pre-running and campfires. This is one of the last grass roots areas the corporate minded chit heads like Mad Media hasn't F&cked up."

[Leave it to BFGoodrich Tires/Jackson Motorsports to back this chit-move]

"Turn Barstow into a pay to camp, pay to park and it's not going to be good for the sport. The more promotors that make another weekend event the car counts will continue to decline."

Racer: "We should do a voting poll that shows the results on turning Barstow into the Martelli's cash cow or not." "Martellis? 100% are the problem."




After how many people killed and injured and the list of frauds perped on the desert community? is reviewing the permit submitted and covering this as a parody in its fucked-up use of public lands. After the BLM California 200, should someone from the district office been disciplined?



The BLM WhistleBlower Reporting


The Barstow Swerve Reporting


The Martelli Midgets Reporting


The AWARD WINNING California 200 Reporting from 2010 


The Investigation continues from 2006, Gary Newsome is tracking down the Martelli's and RDC! September 2022 HELL RIDES AGAIN


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