THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Friday, August 19, 2022





-Original Reporting From August 14, 2022-




Update: Oct. 4, 2022



Update: Sept. 9, 2022



Pictured from the Mexican side, Spooners Mesa and the Silva Ranch on the US side, from Playas de Tijuana and in the distance Bull-by-the-Sea on the Pacific Ocean

On The Ground Report

By Gary Newsome, Publisher Ensenada, BC

August 14, 2022

In the opening photo in this report, you see the United States side of the border on the right. In the high grounds pictured is a geographical feature and location name of Spooners Mesa.

From Imperial Beach on the Pacific Ocean, Spooners Mesa to the eastern slopes of the Otay Mountain range along the border with northern Baja Mexico was ours, we owned it.

Back in the 70's, this was our outlaw off-road area.

Along with the entire desert region north of Laguna Salada on the border with Mexico. Our group often would go back and forth across "the line" numerous times a day during outings.

Many times, we would go to the 'El Oasis' cantina on Mexican Highway 2 for beers, then back over to Ocotillo. Traversing the barren desert washes, in the moonless vastness.

In San Diego, we went to high school in sight of Tijuana. Our classmates lived in 'Smugglers Gulch' their father owned the ranch that the government took to build the border wall, the 'Silva Ranch'. We used to drive the Silva's back home, from school and football practice and games.

So, its no wonder the news from Baja Norte this week. In fact, we have something to say about Baja Norte in this reporting.

First, the federal government here in Mexico, under this president has made the situation for the residents of northern Baja, unbearable. He has allowed the cartells free reign. Only after the cartells have gone nuts now, has he sent the military.

Oh yes, the racers. The racers will do what they do. That's why our humble newspaper exists, so we can report to the general public when a Mexican vaquero whipes the leftover human brain matter from a gringo "racer", off of his horse riding boots.

We have bit our lip for years, but no more.

The corruption on the border situation, on both sides of the border, make it obvious that cartell money is flowing to the political class, of both countries. 

Safety and security in Baja Norte is broken to a point of complete eruption.


Pictured, Complete destruction of safety and security has erupted in northern Baja California

In Baja Racing News recent reporting all travel to, from and inside Baja California is banned. 

Because one cannot estimate the level of insecurity, nor the chance of recovery, like from the police and security services from the US, is the situation so dire.

In fact, several of our best reporters based in Baja Norte have repatriated back to the United States.

Journalists here in Mexico are at great risk.

Even greater risk than in the insecurity of the last twenty five years. The local politicians no longer are protected while traveling in public. The security services of northern Baja are now completely compromised.

At the start of the Baja Mexico insecurity, the problem was the state attorney generals offices, they were hacks of the local cartels. Now its everywhere, you never know who's getting paid off by organized crime. The federal authorities are now likely cartell bodyguards.

Just recently the head of security for Mexico was arrested by the United States, he was sent back to Mexico as a gesture of good relations. Shortly after, the president of Mexico sided with the global war mongers in a significant shift away from the US.

Mexico is now aligned with the world-wide rapists who are positioning for war against the west.

Just think, everything the US has given to Mexico and its new friends are now enemies of the US and everything we have given them is soon going to be heading aim to kill us.


Baja Norte at night. The most dangerous place for westerners on the globe, worse than the middle east.

In the days since the attacks, military reinforcements have been sent into Tijuana to bolster security. 

Mexico's President Andrés Manuel López Obrador visited and gave a national address from a military base, flanked by senior defense officials.  "Work is underway", he said from inside the base. "The most important thing is that the causes that lead to insecurity and violence throughout the country and in Baja California are being addressed".  

Yet outside, hundreds of Tijuana residents gathered, encouraged to come by Carlos Atilano Peña — a local politician from an opposing political party who is using the moment to spread a very different message.

"Federal authorities say there was no terrorism, but we say we had terrorism here in Tijuana", "Because they gained what they were seeking: to have a lot of problems and fear in the population".

Tourism and Travel

Do not go to Baja Norte. Until they clean up the Punta Banderas outfall and the Tijuana River, get rid of the federal leadership and get serious about relations with the west. Every agreement made has been broken by the Mexicans. Every contract for safety and security is void. And now the American government will not back you up when something goes sideways, in Baja Norte. has been told by sources, "it's over for their leadership in Mexico City". The recent moves by the federal governement to side with the global rapists was the step to far and an internal war has broken out". Not in view by the public, yet, but soon open warfare will be obvious even to the blind", "Kinetic War is coming, learn how to seal your home and loved ones from the fallout".

No one is safe

No matter your standing in life, if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time, it may be your time.


 The military is now crawling all over in northern Baja California

Moses Zazueta Ramirez was at home last Friday when he started getting messages from his mom and seeing the chaos unfold on social media.  A drug cartel had hijacked and burned more than a dozen vehicles across his home city of Tijuana, and rumors spread that they had announced a curfew. 

Step outside tonight and there would be trouble, was the story doing the rounds.  It was the third time that week that widespread arson and shootings by drug cartels had been seen in cities across northern Mexico. Shops and bystanders were being targeted, with some officials saying it was in retaliation to arrests of high-level cartel leaders and others attributing it to disputes between gangs.

"I got really scared", Ramirez said. "I don't feel safe",  The rumor about the cartel imposing a curfew on Tijuana wasn't true, but the 23-year-old decided to skip his work at a local restaurant that weekend anyway and stay at home with his girlfriend.

"My coworkers told me that, hey, you got to come ... and I said, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to risk myself to just get some money", he said.  Many others in Tijuana felt the same, and despite assurances of safety from local authorities, the normally bustling border city was eerily quiet on Saturday.  

The drug cartels had flexed their power in Tijuana in a way not seen for more than a decade and reignited fear and debate over who is it that really wields influence in the country: the government or the gangs.

"Let me put it as an example where I live", said Ramirez, the restaurant worker. "There's a park with a community center and the military people took the place to use it as a base. And right next to that park ... there's this crowd of drug dealers. And the people just walk past and come out with bags full of drugs".

"So nah, I don't think I'm really secure. I don't feel safe at all".

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