THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Charles Jerome Glover Dies in racing incident Saturday, August 27, 2002

NEWLY UPDATED! September 19


-Sept. 19 UPDATED!

That's why you get an attorney Mike, so you do THE RIGHT THING



Mike: "I have talked to an attorney and they have advised me that there here is no harm in having this discussion. Especially since others can be at risk and upgrades can eliminate this failure. I can not stay silent on these details and I think many other racers are at risk by a bad design. This needs to be addressed and we have a way to make sure this can not happen to another racer.  Originally we thought it was a freak accident and could almost never happen again. That has changed with more information from the tear down of the truck and I am shocked that there is this weakness in our safety systems.  We tore the truck down and found the nut plates in the rear of the seat had failed going backwards. The two back nut plates failed. This is a Sparco seat but it looks to me that most if not all seats used are the same design. They have small weak mount points as its thought the seat belts take the load.  Bottom line is the seats are not made to take a load from the rear. It is thought that the belts take the load which is true for any front or side impact. But from the rear the seat and the seat mount takes all the load. When you see how cheesy the bolt goes to the seat you realize your life is hanging on literally glue. Once the glue failed the nut plate came loose and the bolt failed. On one side the bolt made a grove in the seat after the nut plate came loose. Which says to me that the nut plate failed before the bolt.  In our crash the truck landed on its rear in one of the rolls going end over end. That impact broke the seat, then the neck restraint failed and CJ was basically unprotected for the rest of the roll sequence. Lots of questions still not answered but this is in general what we believe happened.  Same thing could happen if you get rear ended hard and then punted off the road. The rear impact could break the seat then you are unprotected for the roll down the hill.  We are building an adjustable bar that goes under and behind the seat so if the seat fails it can not go back very far, basically a double sheer set up. I believe you need some rear impact protection.  Major takeaway is the seat is not deigned to take a rear impact. Take a look at your setup and see if you think it can handle a 70mph impact from the rear.  Here is a photo of the nut plate in our seats. Note the plate is held on with some adhesive or resin. The actual nut weld looks pretty weak as well.  This is a very hard subject and for me and everyone involved in this tragedy its unbelievable hard to deal with. The last thing I want is a argument or debate about if I should be sharing this info. I feel like I owe it to the racing community to share what we think has happened so it does not happen again.  Disclaimer- I am not an expert and this is all just my opinion. There will be a full investigation and I leave that to the pros. But we need to deal with the failed design and make sure it does not happen again. Thats the most important." 

The obvious observation: "someone else's life may be in danger from a rear impact". Mike: "Once we figured out what happened it was shocking that this hole in the system was there". 




Mike: "We have steel mounts that are the same thickness of the aluminum Sparco mounts and they are cross braced. They did their job and did not move. We had the right bolts and they were torqued correctly and paint marked. the seats were only 2 years old. I do not believe it was an install issue or even a on going abuse issue. IN fact our seats take very little abuse in our truck. This is a design issue. The seat is simply not designed to take a load from a rear impact. Once you realize the seat belts to nothing on a rear impact the system looks pretty weak. The bolt goes into a nut plate that is glued. and your life is hanging on that glue." 


-Sept. 7 UPDATE

Mike Pyle wide open to lawsuit.

Exactly one year after his own 'crash', CJ Glover, riding in Pyle's car, crashes AT THE VERY SAME SPOT ON THE EXACT SAME RACECOURSE AND DIES.

Here's what he said to us today: "In my rollover I tore a major blood vessel to the brain. Could have bled bad and had a stroke. That was from my head going side to side. That’s why we got containment seats."  

Here's what Pyle said Sept 6:

"Unfortunately not much technically to learn from our [the racing incident] accident. It was literally a 1 in millions freak deal.  I have spent a lot of time going over it and thinking what couid we have done or what can we do in the future and I can’t come up with anything.  I know it seems like I am just saying that for self preservation but I assure you we have come up with nothing we could have changed with our gear or truck.  I would get back in our truck with our same Gear again and again.  I have mentioned before but the only takeaway is first always stop to help someone that has been in a accident. Let’s not ever leave another racer alone ever again. Not one racer out of many stopped to help Carson. Absolutely Heartbreaking. Not trying to attack anyone as we all make mistakes but this has to be talked about and fixed.  And we have learned to be very scared of wet lake beds. We were on the edge and you could not tell where it went from hard pack to soft clay. Our tires basically went off an invisible cliff. Never trust a desert lake bed after a recent rain."  

So, Pyle thinks its YOUR FAULT he died!


ORIGINAL UPDATE AUGUST 30: identifies lack of (rated) head and neck restraint for this death incident. Broken Neck, almost instant death. The victim probably suffocated to death. 

"Sometimes things just happen that are out of our control and we are reminded that off-road racing is a dangerous sport and we all do it because we love it" FishGizz

Nothing to see here folks, Move Along.

First Reports: Broken Halo, failed chair. FishGizz Bull Shit strikes again!


-Someone on the scene of the incident report:

"Mike Pyle had good reason to want us at this event, as he was involved in a rollover and had sustained some injuries 3 years previously. This time, his boys would be in the car racing, and he wanted to make sure every available help was possible if something happened.  We met up with Mike early Saturday morning and headed out to two spots that BORR felt we would have good access to areas from.  Minutes into the start of the event, the call came that the Pyle truck had rolled and that someone was unconscious. Our team responded to the location and while responding received updates via phone of the criticalness of the situation. Helicopter was requested and we arrived within a few more minutes just after the first retrieval teams located the scene. As we arrived, we were immediately surprised by the scene as no other race vehicles had stopped and it was just our team, the 2 retrieval teams and the truck involved. Normally in these critical scenes it’s a flood of activity and people.  The vehicle was on its wheels and completely intact. Minus one spare on the ground a few feet away, and fiberglass broken away, the car was on its tires and wheels, The cage was intact. Carson was out of the vehicle and CJ was inside. Both our trucks arrived and took medical control of the scene. Sadly, it was obvious on assessment from when we got there, CJ had already passed. That is truly the hardest decision to ever make in your life as a medical provider. Its helplessness and failure. I held CJ surrounded by my team and said a prayer for him, his family and his friends.  At that point our attention turned to Carson, the scene, and helping the BORR team coordinate proper response while shielding the scene from the view of the racers and providing CJ the dignity and safety he deserved.  It was then I learned more about CJ. Spending several hours out there through the process, Mike Pyle and I talked at lengths. The accident location was the same location he had rolled 3 years previously. That rollover is ultimately what led Mike to meet CJ and develop a friendship. A father. A husband. A pilot. A friend.  While as a medical provider I know I felt like I failed, we were still there for a reason. BORR hadn’t dealt with a significant incident like this and our unfortunate history and experience in this sport allowed us to help them with the scene. We were able to help the investigators, and all the responders with the scene and when it was all said and done our team extricated CJ from the vehicle and turned him over to Medical Examiner with dignity, respect and the love of a fellow racer deserved in his handling. And then helped Mike Pyle  and Conner load the vehicle and get it back to the pits."


Mr. Pyle needs to hire a good attorney. So does Connor's family. If the suit goes public, well report right here>>>


-Report from August 30:

"I thank God for that as the video would have been taken and used by investigators and the family would have ended up seeing it"

UPDATE! Monday, August 29

So, in black and white, if you die racing in off-road, your racing "friends" will hide, coverup and deny 'the facts' of the incident. 


No post, promotion or help for your family recovery by use of a GoFundMe effort or any other financial recovery! Thanks website racers! is committed to EXPOSE 

The planning and execution of off-road racing deaths coverups and whitewashing move forward after this weekends racing death of CJ Glover.

(Honda48x) coverup proponent said after this death:

"After this tragic weekend, I’m so glad that was not being live streamed. There really should be a delay of 10 seconds and controlled by someone at all times."


Mike (MTPyle) said this morning (replying) on the off-road racing death cover-up site:  

"I have a device (satellite/video recording) I bought for setting up in the truck. For whatever reason I didn’t go forward with it. And this was the first race we have raced that we did not have a single GoPro in the truck. Connor forgot them at home. I thank God for that as the video would have been taken and used by investigators and the family would have ended up seeing it.  The imagines from that day will never go away. If it was live steamed it would have exposed so many to the trauma. This needs to be talked about going forward with steaming.  AZ7000, we will share more details and so will David from MSS. It was tragic and a freak accident that was 1 in millions. Literally like getting struck by lighting. So not much we can change or learn from the accident itself."  

Another off-road racing 'FREAK ACCIDENT'

The coverup attempt is EXPOSED!


August 27; Original Reporting-

CJ Glover dies racing as the co-driver of a 6100 vehicle at the Knolls 200 race in Utah, USA

Charles Jerome (C.J.) Glover was killed in a racing incident as the co-driver of a 6100 vehicle at the Knolls 200 race in Utah

As co-driver of a 6100 vehicle at the Knolls 200 race in Utah, he did not survive the race involved crash incident. Reportedly, he had on all of the latest safety gear including a head and neck restraint and containment seats. 

The lame ass explanation by off-road racing death whitewasher FishGizz Austin Fish Farner that, "Sometimes things just happen that are out of our control and we are reminded that off-road racing is a dangerous sport and we all do it because we love it", only begins to tell the full story of the stupidity Farner displays to the general public and racing community.

This racing incident-death leaves behind "CJ's wife, Jennessa, and children Charlie (5) and Stevie (1). He was a promising young pilot with Jet Blue and had his whole future before him. He was far too young. CJ was the best father, friend, and son anyone could ask for and saying he will be deeply missed is an understatement".  



Go Fund Me Promoted by pushed over $100,000 to the family, in one (1) day 

MT Pyle "Feedback Expert" accepts cryptocurrency!

CJ is survived by his wife and two young children. Glover family support GoFundMe is here

Another off-road racing member dies and the racing community leaves them on the side of the road, destitute. The off-road racing fora silence is deafening.

Maybe when Todd Steen, Frank DeAngelo or someone over at BFGoodrich Tires/Jackson Motorsports/MICHELIN tells the Martelli Midgets, Matt, Klaus or Curtis to get off their ass and do something...Until then... 


Click here for our EXCLUSIVE Investigation into the off-racing racing fora>>>LOADING

The Martelli Midgets, Klaus and Curtis 'the child porn supporters' BEG for dollars on their whitewash site!  

"Partners & Advertisers is a program that allows you to be either a partner or advertiser.  A partner is one that aligns with the 4 core values of safety, security, authenticity and free expression that RDC operates under. You display alliance with what we are doing here and go beyond simply being an advertiser. An advertiser is one that pays us a fee in exchange for exposure and gets the clicked traffic.  Everyone pays a fee and your actions prove your level of partnership or perhaps you only want to simply advertise."

What a PantLoad! Wait 'til you see what we've uncovered! BBWWWAAAA!

Gary Newsome, Publisher, Ensenada BC

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