THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Golf Cart Barstow Swerve Finals! WAJ! California 300 2022 Review

Patrick J. Chicas (gadfly):  

"LOL! $3500 for an Unlimited Entry! That would cover all entry fees, BBQ and Beer costs for the entire MORE racing season. - WAFJ! $1000-1200 for everyone else for a ButtHoleBarstow race - WAFJ!"


Golf Cart Barstow Swerve Finals! WAJ! California 300 2022 Review

By: Gary Newsome, Publisher Ensenada, BC Mexico

A review of the martelli midgets california 300.

What a disappointing weekend for desert racers in California.

But, then again, they didn't expect much for a Barstow Swerve event!

The martelli midgets have outdone themselves - out-thinking the golf cart crowd and way over charging for a golf cart spooge.

We would be remiss not to mention the martelli midgets use of the failed yellow brick tracking system.

All weekend long, problems with tracking followed the midgets. Again.

How many years of failed tracking have the midgets fudged onto their hapless participants? 

The pussy desert racers of California have allowed the martelli midgets to believe their shit doesn't stink. Again.

The pussy desert sponsors got fu***d thinking the event would pay off, NOT.

It's time the TRUTH comes to the martelli's. They can't be allowed to rip people off. Just because some crap vids they spew, push this crap, doesn't mean they have any value. 

They Don't!

Time for the midgets to pay up. 

Pay back bitches. Lets see a ledger of what you've invested in the THE OFF-ROAD INDUSTRY.

We know what you've STOLEN.

Remember the picture of the dead guy under the truck that rolled on top of him-KILLING HIM-CLICK HERE

The course, over thought, over run and way over-hyped.

Yea, the racers won't say anything, they're PUSSIES...keep it here on

Where's the LEDGER midget boys? 





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