THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Sunday, October 16, 2022


UPDATE! 'Christian Fletcher', a well-known fiend of 'Trigger Gumm' actually posted this comment to our page:

Christian Fletcher commented on "Trigger Gumm DEAD! OD's with Cameron Steele" Aug 24, 2022 


Hey, 'Christian', thanks for posting your comment on our humble Mexico Newspaper,! 

Are you on Anger Meds? Have you taken Anger Management?

Our response, this an official newspaper Christian, not some web board where you usually troll for underage San Clemente girls? So, you don't have to mispell stuff on purpose.

Regarding your point. The family, to this very day, still has NOT released a 'cause of death'. 

You know what that means, don't you Mr. Fletcher? The family does not want the public to know the facts of their kins manner of death.

They're probably embarrassed.

We'll leave that matter, to that. OK?

Let's talk about you.

World famous family, world famous celebrity, world famous fortunes.

Brings up the obvious question.

-Was it the underage girls of Southern California?

-Something hit a nerve...

-Was it the drug use you shared with 'Trigger'?

-Was it the financial scams you've shared with Cameron 'Scam Steal' Steele? 

We can't wait to hear from you again, right Christian?

Trigger Gumm DEAD! OD's with Cameron Steele (The REAL Story)


From the Publisher, Gary Newsome. Ensenada Offices, Baja California Mexico 

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