THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Best in the Desert says Parker 250 and 425 off-road races canceled for 2023




dave coles flim flam scam update


UPDATED! Tuesday, Dec. 20


Editorial and Translation

Yes, for the uninitiated, let's translate the following reporting.

dave cole, the martelli midgets and ryan thomas have no respect for anyone.

They have shit on top of off-road racing history by taking advantage of Casey Folks when he was alive and now continue their disrespect for the 'established order', to further their financial gains.

Which is the REAL 'culture' they embrace




They do have co-conspirators.




The BLM, yes, the federal bureau of land mismanagement! Why did BLM NOT permit 2023 Parker 425, why isn't the question!



Do you think those 'federal managers' want to report doubling and tripling income from the Barstow office...HELL YES!!!

Isn't it obvious to you now... 


They killed the MDR Dunaway Dash, MDR CA 200 was killed by the BLM Barstow office, they killed the SCORE Imperial 250, now They killed the BITD Parker 425>>>


They are the US FEDERAL BLM



The people who gave them the tools to cheat, steal and fuck Casey and the BITD (as well as others) through the seasonal race scheduling.

And, very importantly, gave them any aire of 'legitimacy' in desert racing circles. 

Casey befriended these people. MISTAKE.

All they've wanted to do and have done, is steal what was rightfully Casey's good will, legit racing operations and scheduling rights.

Today, 'They' and their co-conspirators have 'wedged' the racing schedule and are attempting to take as much 'share' of the racing community as they can take.

*With the end of the Parker 425 and it's history, they will now fuck-it like crazy.*

If you watch them closely enough, over time, as we have, you'll see they've 'fraudulized' the racing rules.

This is way beyond mere monetization.




These aren't 'fair racer rules'! 

Just look at the Brian Deegan Abortion! We'll get to that during our DeZert Destructo reporting in 2023.

They are SKULL-FUCKING CASEY FOLKS and YOU in the racing community. 

2023 dave cole FRAUD REPORT


2022 klaus rasch curtis guise martelli midgets FRAUD REPORT

2018 dave cole FRAUD hasn't had a valid federal or county permit, ever!


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DeZert Destructo 2023!

Sponsored by Omicron Petri Dish

The respiratory virus event of the year, coming up in January LIVE ! ONLINE on


 king of hammers president ryan thomas skull-fucks Casey Folks?

Everyday is RaceDay!

Reporting started Monday, Dec. 12:

Original Story: The Parker 250 and Parker 425 off-road races have been canceled for next years 2023 racing season.  

The event organizer announced on Tuesday night that unspecified circumstances led them to cancel the popular events scheduled for January.  Bryan Folks, co-owner of Best in the Desert, said in a news release that he intends to resume the races in 2024:

"The Parker races have been held in La Paz County since 1971. 

BITD has operated the off-road races in Parker since 2003. Prior to that, they were operated by SCORE International for many years, and then by Whiplash Motor Sports. For the last 20 years, BITD had operated the Parker 250 and 425 as separate events. The Parker 250 was held in January, while the Parker 425 was held in February.

 Organizers have faced a number of challenges in recent years, including the 2017 death of BITD founder Casey Folks, and the 2020 pandemic that required the races to be moved from tribal land into a new area managed by the BLM.

Last month, organizers announced that the Parker 250 and 425 would be held on the same weekend, a departure from tradition in which the events were separated by weeks. An event spokesperson told the La Paz County Board of Supervisors that the organization needed assistance with "spectator management" because of safety concerns.

Meanwhile, BITD will replace the World & Hound Championship in the Las Vegas area with the Golden State 250, which will include car and truck classes as well as motorcycles, ATVs and UTVs. That race is scheduled for Feb. 17-19.

Best in the Desert said racers who signed up for the Parker 250 and 425 will have several options for their fees, including transferring fees to other races or full refunds."


Two years ago, December 30, 2020, this news headline ran in town: "CRIT disappointed Parker 425 will go on as planned during virus surge:

"Officials with the Colorado River Indian Tribes say they’re disappointed the Parker 425 off-road race will go on as planned next month despite the tribe’s attempt to cancel the event because of coronavirus concerns.

The Tribes released a public statement Wednesday criticizing the Best in the Desert Racing Association for the decision to proceed.

“From our point of view we were hoping that the race would understand and cancel the event for the safety of the community,” the statement said. “We won’t speculate as to their reasons, but we think it’s clear that our only concern is the safety of our people.”

CRIT said it wanted to cancel the race because of the large numbers of visitors the events attract to the Parker area.

The off-road races in Parker are the biggest draws for visitors to the area. It’s estimated more than 20,000 spectators come from the Parker 425. They fill local hotels and campgrounds to their limit. Race fans also spend money in local businesses and restaurants.

Coronavirus cases are surging in the region —on the same day the announcement was made, the Tribes reported 28 new cases among tribal members, bringing the total to 541.

However, when news of the cancelation was announced, Best in the Desert countered that the race would move entirely to land held by the Bureau of Land Management.

The race and events surrounding it have been scheduled for Jan. 13-16.

BITD’s Bryan Folks said organizers had been working on a contingency plan with the Town of Parker and BLM in the event the Tribes closed down reservation land to the races.

A BITD statement said the race will start and finish on Shea Road, which would be similar to the traditional start and finish for old Parker 400 for many years. The race will still be three laps, but with less mileage. The race will be “just shy of 400 miles.”

The Town of Parker and BITD had already made plans to hold contingency and technical inspection in downtown Parker, along with the Downtown Experience Street Fair. These had been held at the BlueWater Resort & Casino, but the BlueWater has been on limited operations since it reopened in September, and all special events have been cancelled until further notice.

The race had started on California Avenue in downtown Parker since before BITD began operating the races in 2003. That won’t happen this year because the racers would need to cross Tribal land to get to the race course. The Parker Python and main pit area, which are popular spectating and camping locations, will not be used this year because they sit on Tribal land behind Avi Suquilla Airport.

The Tribes noted their “Stay at Home” resolution, No. 54-20, was re-instated Dec. 24. It sets a 10 p.m. to 5 p.m. curfew on Tribal lands, prohibits non-essential travel, cancels recreational activities, and prohibits gatherings of six or more people not in the same household. The order will remain in effect until at least Jan. 31, 2021.

“Once again, CRIT stands alone in this fight against the pandemic as there has not been any support from the Town of Parker or La Paz county since it began,” the Tribes said in the statement."


The local hayseeds of Parker AZ, who claim they run the town, clearly don't. The state office of the BLM run the hayseeds! Can't wait to hear, that "Biden and the Libs" are responsible!

Jimmy Beaver: "100% had nothing to do with entries, the Town, County, Covid, politics, the death in Laughlin, or the Indian Tribes. It 100% had to do with denial of permits by the BLM due to violations of previous events that were not rectified. All entities above fully support a race in Parker and none should be considered to blame for the cancellation. Those are the facts. Parker went from 3 off-road races a few short years ago to none in 2023. Notice a trend? I cannot be PC on this matter because my family and this community has nearly 50 years of blood and sweat into ensuring these events happen in this community. Many small businesses in the area are going to be drastically hurt by this cancellation and that is not something I take lightly. This sucks by all accounts, and it should be known that no one here had anything to do with it."

Common Citizen to Trent Beaver:  "I assume by your last name, you're in the know. So, you must know that just a short time ago, the race was on crit land until CRIT shut that down. This race did not die a few minutes ago when you read the BITD press release. This race started dying the moment Casey did." 


-UPDATE! Thursday, December 15. 

After reviewing the available information, has determined the victim at Laughlin, was an uncertified photographer (he may have been 'credentialed' by the BITD association, however he was NOT certified by a third party, to determine if he was an actual "media professional".

At this moment, numerous reports place the victim in a location that was not permitted for ANYONE and he was told on numerous occasions to VACATE the location! 

The victim violated the operating rules set by the BLM and BITD at the Laughlin 2022 event. 

If you have info on this reporting, please send it to

Here's the story about the racing death at the "Laughlin BITD" event. 

Unknown to this reporter until today, the family hammered and is hammering, the BITD racing association:


Which has brought questions into the racing association from the online attitudes of the desert racing crackheads:

Crackhead: "my brother in law just raced Rage At The River being over weight for cage size, out of date belts and no mufflers! Why have a rule book!? Why do people wait for tragedy to speak up!?"

Crackhead: "I will tell you this, the permit was on thin ice before Laughlin. The safety plan was not up to snuff before, and clearly they didn't do enough to update it.  The petition likely doesn't help causes, could of even been the final straw, but they needed a miracle for awhile now."


To which, the associations safety contractor responded:

"As the writer of the safety plan for 7 different organizations I take offense to your statement-  The safety plan had zero to do with this.  The operations plan was presented with over 20 pages of very specific stipulations, many of which were new because of both a new BLM Rec Planner and previous spectator issues.  BITD like every other organization gets graded (on paper, not like the actual course grading) and had deficiencies from last year. As every race org gets. BITD worked to resolve this with BLM and believed they had met the expectations.  The same appeal for denial was filed at the AZ state BLM level to deny the permit as this law firm did with the Nevada office for the event two weeks after what happened in Laughlin. Because of the previous deficiencies, the state already had red flags that were in [on] their radar and that is what triggered the denial. The local BLM office did not trigger this. Parker didn’t deny it. And it wasn’t anything internally BITD could have done to change this. This was driven at a higher level. At Tonopah BLM was out with tape measures. This is going to get worse and worse.  This is more than a kick in the gut to BITD, as it effect so many associated with this event and this industry. And the eventual fall out will also take its toll on all the other organizations. Legacy and Snore have both held races in the last 2 weeks and the microscope has been on them for media requirements. And yet I still have seen videos of media on outside of turns, 10 feet from the course while buggies are battling door to door posted by the same “media” that were told to not be in this places. If we as a sport don’t figure out how to play by the ever changing rules, there won’t be a game to play anymore."

Late Wednesday, this source, David, from Motorsports Safety Solutions, the 'Rescue Director', from many racing organizations said:

"As one of many that has already received legal documents in this case, I know what is going on here. And I’m angry." 

So, the main issue is the family of the photographer who was killed at the BITD Laughlin race is threatening to sue the Nevada BLM and soliciting the Arizona BLM to stop any permits for the BITD organization.

Otherwise, BITD would say exactly what's going on. They can't today, because they are the most likely organization, along with the BLM, to get sued by the family of the photographer killed at that event, at Laughlin.


The Cover-Up Begins! December 15

The desert racing crackheads forum goes down, while klaus removes the lawsuit stuff, everyone already knows about.

Mike Pile spews:

"I was told you cant sign your rights away in a waiver. And yes you are right anyone can sue regardless of signed waivers. It is very fragile indeed.  [Edited on the crackheads forum] Covered Up!- Need to be sensitive to posting about ongoing lawsuits.  All I will say is I hope Jim has some people that will give him good advice and not just the lawyers trying to convince him to go after everyone. its easy to get one sided biased feedback during a time like this. Remember the legal system is built to support the legal system. it's literally the lawyers job to get people to sue others. It's not always the right thing or the best approach to make improvements." 

Dude, the entire planet knows this morning that the BLM and BITD has threats and papers in their inboxes from Jimmy's dad.



Stay Tuned...More Loading>>>

Gary Newsome, Publisher



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