Gary Newsome, Investigator
Matt Martelli stole Roger Normans $10K front money and the trade name, "mint 400".
What 'Mad Media' didn't realize, Baja Racing News would devote decades into delivering the story to Baja racing fanatics...
Just recently, after over six years of looking into these subjects, someone we were interviewing just blabbed out info that wasn't ever supposed to be found by BajaRacingNews.com or by anyone!
He said, "yea Gary, you know that Roger Norman gave Matt Martelli the ten grand that bought the mint 400 name, right?" I told him we had heard rumors, but nothing concrete. The subject continued, "Roger admitted to my face, he had given Matt Martelli $10,000, fronted him the [naming rights] money, to buy the name in Nevada, but Matt kept the proceeds and kept the name Mint 400."
Roger Norman claimed, "the Martelli brothers are nothing but common thieves".
The subject then admitted, "Roger then claimed that he would get him [Matt Martelli] back at some point. The original plan was to buy the name with Rogers money, then Matt would be entitled to the electronic promotions, internet crap from the race, after Roger obtained the name. But, Matt stole the money and the name, that Roger had fronted the money for."
The source is bona fide.
Just from that little piece of larceny Matt Martelli then started selling his off-road 'culture' bull-shit. The culture of theft-greed-felony and dis.organization.
End August 15, 2021 MINT 400 [UPDATED] Theft Report
Begin the March 8, 2015 MINT 400 theft Reporting; OFF-ROAD LIVE!
March 8, 2015: *The Insider Story of Roger Norman/The Re-Start of HDRA/Normans Attempt to Buy The MINT 400 Name & Race in 2011!*
""In 2010, Roger Norman, the racer, won the 25th version of the MINT400. In 2011, Roger Norman, the businessman, began 'influencing' board members of SNORE. SNORE was the rightful owner the name MINT 400 in 2011. Some legal opinions claim SNORE may today, still be the rightful owner, considering the conditions of the sale! 'Influencing', because one report of active SNORE Treasurer Ken Flippin requesting a six-figure income of Roger Norman, has been confirmed. As many as seven board members were reportedly 'influenced'. After the 2011 race, one board member claimed the purchase of HDRA and Ken Flippin directed the SNORE board to sell the name "MINT 400". The name sold at a far below market price, under conditions that today are considered a violation of non-profit association rules or 'insider trading'. [Notice: After extensive interviews with the ownership of VORRA at the time, this reporter found Roger Norman copied the 'blueprint' of VORRA's USA 500 and attempted a big Reno off-road race. Even with copious 'corporate welfare', help from the Reno Tourism Authority and corporate espionage against VORRA, Normans SCORE/HDRA Reno events failed.] [Notice: On two separate occasions, over five years, this reporter asked Roger Norman about this MINT 400 story line, both were declined]""
End March 8, 2015 OFF-ROAD LIVE! Reporting
March 21, 2008 "It's The Norm". Column in the Las Vegas Leisure Guide, written by Norm Johnson.
Titled: "THE NEW MINT 400"
""The original Mint 400 can never be duplicated, we know that. What S.N.O.R.E. (Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiast) is trying to do is bring back those glory days that began in 1968. It'll never happen, gang, for one simple reason - history can not be re-written!
The Mint 400 Off-Road Race was declared a classic event before the final race car had crossed the finish line by none other than Chris Economaki, considered the "Dean of American Motorsports." That will not be repeated! Last week I told you about the 1939 Chevrolet Coupe that was entered in the first race.
Now I have another funny one for you. The course took the race cars and motorcycles through some of the roughest country in Nevada - Sandy Valley, Ash Meadows. (then a famous Nevada Brothel), to Beatty before turning back and returning to Las Vegas. There were 101 entries for the first race, including NASCAR race car driver Mel Larson (who went on to direct the race until 1973) and Indy 500 Champion, Parnelli Jones.
The race got underway and reports kept coming in all afternoon and into the night from various locations that racers were lost; that a particular car had crashed and the driver was injured; this or that car had rolled over; cars and motorcycles were seen racing on the highways; and Jones had destroyed his Ford Bronco at five different locations. It was, in all honesty, confusion at its glorious best.
[Pictured above] Norm Johnson at the 1969 Mint 400.
Now cut to the banquet where checks and trophies were being handed out. Just as Mr. Bill Bennett (at that time the general manger of the Mint Hotel) was announcing that there would be a second Mint 400, two men entered the room. They were dirty and greasy from head to shoe, but they had a smile on their faces that would light up any room. "We finished... we finished," they yelled. Everyone in the banquet room stood up and applauded and yelled. Yes, they had finished, but it took them like 38 hours to do it! That's what will be missing this time around.
History is important to Las Vegas and I applaud S.N.O.R.E. for trying to bring the famous race back to downtown Las Vegas. But, to be honest with you, I'm a wee bit ticked off because my health will not permit me to drive a lap in the race - like K.J. Howe, the lucky stiff! Howe is also part of the history, as is Mel Larson and all those racers who competed in the Mint 400 for 20 years. That's it for this week. Remember, actual race activities begin Thursday, March 27, with technical inspection, etc., downtown (just like the old days) on Fremont Street east of the Canopy, with the actual race starting Saturday, March 29th. I'm outa here!""
End March 21, 2008 "It's The Norm". Column
Publishers note: Mr. Norm Johnson founded the race event, the MINT 400 Desert Rally, based in Las Vegas.
Norm Johnson is currently writing his memoir of life in Southern California and Las Vegas sports reporting and more. While the world looks forward to his new book, here's more. For those who can't wait, CLICK HERE to read his stuff from his long standing column, in Las Vegas.
The Race Dezert buy-in by Fatt Matt
The Mad Media shit storm bought into Klaus & Curtis crap-pile, their fake not-for-profit, race dezert and he got the contracts with Jackson Motorsports to promote its properties.
It wasn't Matt and Joshua Martelli at their mom's house, sitting on the internet, reading Baja Racing News LIVE 7/24/365, or Matts kiddy skateboard videos! That's how it really all started for Matt, by stealing Rogers take-over money for the mint 400 name!
"Race Dezert tries to destroy Luhtala Family Go-Fund-Me"
-On all of its platforms, facebook, youtube, and others, the Martelli Midgets and Klaus & Curtis buried the links, mentions and discussions about the Luhtala family, that were placed by the public.
We tried finding out why they did this. The only mention in public about why they didn't want the 'Luhtala family recovery efforts' mentioned, was their main sponsor, Jackson Motorsports-BFGoodrich Tires-MICHELIN-SCORE, didn't want the public exposure.
It took four and a half years before we received the inside information about why they would do such a vile effort.
The culprits were guilty of GROSS NEGLIGENCE, directly relating to the death of Mark Luhtala and the injuries and damages to Cody Parkhouse at the Baja 1000 2016.
-The Martelli Midgets didn't even use a genuine trade name themselves, they stole that too! "Mad Racing" was a Vista company that got jacked by the Midgets.
"The Mint 400 Rip-Off"
-After cozying up to Klaus and Curtis and stealing Rogers money, they began the slimeyest messaging ever for taking over the Mint from SNORE.
All of the claims about how great the race was, with the Midgets in charge, it became the biggest flim-flam ever to rectalize a Primm race.
Even the hardest core desert racers get sick of the commercialization of a family oriented sporting event.
Over the short run of the Midgets di.organization, they maimed more racers, destroyed more race rigs and lied about every aspect of the promised event proceeds.
The most common complaint, no free event t-shirts to the teams that paid in to the inscription, contingency and entry fees.
SNORE was known as a family friendly event venue, but when the Midgets stole the event, it became the worst rip-off for families in the west.
Not to mention the worst run off-road race in the west. BITD even pitched these losers to the side of the road. One BITD official later said, "the Martelli's are interested in only one thing, money".
The INVESTIGATION CONTINUES from December 2016 Matt Martelli tries to cover-up the Gross Negligence of Jackson Motorsports - Marketing
By Gary Newsome, BajaRacingNews.com Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
The attempted electronic cover-up of the death of Mark Luhtala.
The attempted destruction of the Luhtala family, seeking financial help from their go-fund-me online accounts.
Why would FATT MATT Martelli, race-dezert, mad media try to cover-up and WHITE-WASH the Jackson Motorsports involvement in the Luhtala death at the Baja 1000 2016??? Why do these criminal acts get hidden from view?
It's the CONTINUATION of the 'shovel-crew', covering up the crimes and exposure of the desert racing criminal organized crime family.
Finally, the entire - the complete story can be told, here, now. As the Publisher of BajaRacingNews.com I've been investigating behind the scenes. Incognito, the insiders of the industry have told me EVERYTHING!
Isn't it time YOU know what's going down?
>>>off road racer, race dezert, mad media, mint 400 and the martelli brothers culpability in the cover-up of the death and recovery of the Luhtala family in Florida>>>
Our origin crime reporting started here CLICKY
BajaRacingNews.com had already found the FRAUD in off-road racing electronic media of Klaus, Curtis, the Martelli Midgets and their $ponsor$
From a fraudulent non-profit solicitation for years and without any business license for years, thousands of off road fans and racers got poled by Klaus Rasch and Curtis Guise.
When this article was published, the facts exposed Rasch and Guise to the point that they immediately, upon reading the article, rushed into the City of Huntington Beach to pay the required fees to make their business fees current, after being overdue and non-paid for years! Even before the city got its warning letter to Rasch!
They were forced to pay for three years of fees due, to be current.
Rasch and Guise actively deleted travel warnings and banned people who merely had concerns about travel to Baja Mexico. What did they delete? And who did they ban?
This is the actual traveler warning that was deleted by Rasch and Guise:
Original post [9-28-2006]
""TRAVELER WARNING!!!! This is ***** ****** of El Mirador [Editors Note, this sources name is hidden by request] and I have just returned from a trip on the Baja. I had spoken with another traveler who had warned me about some Mexican gangs in the Ensenada area who were targeting tourists. The story went that if you attempted to use the toll road between Ensenada and Tijuana(going north) between 11pm and 5am - you would be attacked. Several American tourists were attacked, shot and all their stuff was stolen. The person telling me the story said that the local police was doing nothing about it. When I was going north on Sunday the 24th, passing the first toll booth from Ensenada I noticed a police car pull out just as I came up to the gate. A few miles down the road the police car was driving in the middle of the road not allowing any cars to pass. We were given a police escort all the way past the main beach area just before the second toll booth. Also, the AFI Police were stopping all vehicles and looking inside of them. The Mexican police are trying to help - but it was only 7pm when I crossed that point. So, travelers beware!!!""
This post was deleted by Rasch and Guise. Those posters who placed relative safety oriented Mexican travel information on Rasch/Guise site are known by Baja Racing News. They were banned for only one reason. They placed information that was contrary to what Rasch, Guise, et al. wanted distributed. Contrary to the false notion that there are no concerns to take when on the roads of Mexico! They want no information that tells racers to be careful about their travel to Baja Mexico, or what precautions to take. Even as late as this winter, a massive deletion of Mexico travel posts took place. If this original warning was allowed to be viewed, it is entirely possible that the Hall family would have known not to be exposed as they were. For your information, the criminal ring responsible for the noted attacks was caught. But, as we all know now, another took its place, with very damaging results. They kidnapped the Hall family at the very same location used for over a year by two other crime rings, kidnappings, shootings armed assaults.
Since then, the Baja crime wave has ruled Baja Norte Mexico.
Tourism was reported off by 90%! The actions of Rasch and Guise is not acceptable to sell off-road shock absorbers, sell off road dvd's and pimp a scam non-profit to sell more crap.
Here is the Undenied Story from Saturday, October 06, 2007 The City, State and Federal Governments have questions for Klaus Rasch and Curtis Guise
February 15, 2008 UPDATED: Proven by Government officials and no denial since our original story exposing Klaus Rasch and Curtis Guise. They violated California State Law for years by soliciting to the 'desert racing community' as a 'non-profit', when in fact, their website and associated sales of merchandise was not a bonafide non-profit.
In fact, they were operating as a for-profit, fraudulent operation.
And what is the official response from Klaus Rasch and Curtis Guise legal representative, Travis Clarke?
Here it is, in it's entirety,
really have way too much time on your hands." Their complete response,
no denial, since 2008. Over fourteen years, NO DENIAL.
Not only did they violate State law, they violated City of Huntington Beach law for years by not having a business license and not listing their actual physical address. They listed a 'postal mail box', in violation of Federal law.
All in an obvious attempt to avoid detection.
When Baja Racing News interviewed the local Postal Mistress, she said, "they are trying to hide!"
The City Of Huntington Beach confirmed to Baja Racing News that Klaus Rasch scurried into the City to get his permit, that he should have had for years, just after our reporting was published, on October 4.
FRAUD PROVEN! Internet sales from the site proven without a city permit for five years and violating State Law for seven years.
From the website today, 16787 Beach Blvd. Unit 123 Huntington Beach, CA 92647, Telephone number 714.348.8393. The City of Huntington Beach, the representative named 'Patricia', wants to know why you, Klaus Rash, are violating City law by conducting business in their city and placing on your website an address that lists Huntington Beach and you have not paid your business license fees since 2002.
UPDATED: Klaus Rasch came into the City of Huntington Beach offices on October 4 and paid their business license fees current to 10-31-08. He is listed by the required permit as a 'computer consultant'.
Because Klaus Rasch and Curtis Guise had not been current since 2002, he was forced to pay three years of back fees to become current with the City. So, from 2002 until 2007, five years, Klaus Rasch and Curtis Guise and their website and related sales, operated in Huntington Beach without a required by law, business permit. A representative with the City stated today, "He came in even before he received the City letter mandating his permit violation".
The State of California Attorney General Charitable Trust Division, wants to know why you, Klaus Rasch and Curtis Guise, are violating State law with your website stating that it is "a non-profit" site/business for SEVEN YEARS, from 2000 to 2007.
There is no state record of a State required registration of a non-profit company in your name or your websites name. Baja Racing News has learned in some cases, companies that have claimed to be charities for over seven years without following the rules, can be forced to disgorge all their revenues from those years.
The Near History of the Martelli brothers and
Curtis Guise and Klaus.
***Now we get to tell you the ENTIRE REALITY! Many moons ago, our team started coverage of this event, eleven (11) years of LIVE! Coverage!
But, the REAL STORY began before 2009. In years prior to the changing of the title owners of the "Mint 400".
During those days, we noticed a constant viewer from Oceanside, California. After some research, we discovered it was an obscure skateboard pimple on his mothers ass, constantly on our pages! He lived at his mothers house, with his brother, learning about off-road 'culture'.
There were times he left his computer on all hours, on OFF-ROAD LIVE!
Then pictures of the pimple showed up on Race-Dezert, it was now latched onto the butts of Klaus and Curtis of child-porn fame [CLICK THE LINK]. He then jizzed onto Lucas Hand and stole mint400 from SNORE, the Southern Nevada racing association that operated the event for some years, after its founding.
Then he bought into the 'Not-for-Profit' Klaus abortion and stuck his hands up the asses of the underappreciated whores of west coast racing, like BFGoodrich Tires/Jackson Motorsports/Todd Steen. We've documented the frauds for over a decade and the verdict has been in for some time.
More details LOADING HERE>>>
When we talked with Casey Folks before he died, he lamented fucking this one up. That's OK Casey, we'll make good for you, in this LIVEMINT400 Coverage!

Matt Martelli, "They bought my bull-shit!"
The original coverage brought back to life! LINKS LOADING >>>
December 2015 The gamification of desert racing social media by Mad Media and Roger Norman
2010-2013 The race dezert Brett Sloppy attempted cover-up, [California 200 - 8 DEAD was too big, Matt-Klaus-Curtis could not control the damage!] ""First off, BRETT did nothing wrong (IT WAS A ACCIDENT) second this should have been TOP SECRET, if the media get a hold of this we're screwed. Pull this post ASAP there are people just looking for this kind of thing. Brett just use a fake name, we all stand behind you.""
2007 The race dezert non profit scam BUSTED
matt martelli joshua martelli off road racer racedezert mad media mint 400 klaus rasch curtis guise weatherman bob steinberger scott pci race radios shovel crew todd stein,Chris Baker, Nate Hunt, Frank DeAngelo, "wild Bill", Bill Wiederhold, Jose A Grijalva, Bill Black, Hal Andreoli, Jeff Cummings, Peter Calhoun, cameron steele and his little buddy cody stuart
BajaRacingNews.com Publisher, Gary Newsome INVESTIGATION CONTINUES
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