THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Saturday, September 30, 2023

KING OF BAJA 1000 2023 - November 12-20th - Official News Releases - Sunday, September 10, 2023

Update: October 8, 2023

RACER ALERT! MAG 7 pits are set for the 2023 SCORE Baja 1000. Pits are spaced especially for our UTV racers. Signups open on October 12th. Pits are: Pit 0 - Ensenada Pit 1 - Santa Rita Pit 2 - Santo Domingo Pit 3 - La Purisima Pit 4 - San Ignacio Pit 5 - El Arco Pit 6 - Catavina Pit 7 - Chapala Pit 8 - Tres Pozos Sign up for Full Service and we can provide your choice of 91, 100, and 110 octane fuel.

Mag 7 Pits release today.


Race Course Release Today, Start in La Paz and Finish in Ensenada


***KING OF BAJA 1000 2023***




From Saturday, September 23, 2023

Baja Racing News Exclusive, from La Paz, The Capital Of Off-Road Racing, Southern BAJA Mexico.



-The president of score international, Abelardo Grijalva, announced that the presentation will be revealed next Saturday, September 30 during the Off-Road Expo in Pomona, California.

From November 11 to 18, the modern era's Baja Mil will be held throughout the Baja peninsula. 

Score emitted, "A shower of Off-Road stars that will be present in the event, such as Sal Fish, Bryce Menzies, Robby Gordon, Rob MacCachren, Larry Roeseler, Toby Price and Juan Carlos Salvatierra."

-With a view to the SCORE Baja 1000 the sub-director of the technical area of Score, Federico Montes, informed Baja Racing News that Saturday, September 23, the race sanction will hold a certification event for safety equipment and chassis in La Paz, BCS.

The objective of the event for the Southern BAJA riders who intend to participate in the next edition of the Baja 1000, can take a step forward in the mandatory requirements for the racing event.

This desert racing event has its starting line at the 'Capital of Off-Road Racing in the World', here at Southern BAJA, La Paz, BCS.

The long-awaited score mechanical inspections will occur.

The coverage of the event, sponsored by La Jolla based Mac Meda Destruction Company, covered by Baja Racing News LIVE! in the news coverage name of "KING OF BAJA 1000 2023", will take place in the parking lot of the La Paz Convention Center, located on the road to Pichilingue.

The event location, located between Punta Prieta and El Sonorense Beach, from 10 am to 6 pm., in which the technical director of Score International, Dan Cornwell, the assistant technical director, Federico Montes.

The Southern BAJA racer Juan Campos, who is integrated into the technical staff of Score, will be present, where the revised 'approval' decals will be placed on helmets, Hans-type cervical protection devices, competition overalls and for those who make an appointment, a chassis inspection.

The review decal will have a peculiar design that alludes to this unique event, with very particular distinctive features. The certification of these teams will be completely free and any runner who has intentions or suspicions of participating in the Baja 1000 in one way or another can attend the review; in the great event that will "take by assault" the Baja peninsula from November 12 to 20th of this year. 

If that is the official motto of the event, they need a new score writer.

Chassis certification is the only aspect that does entail a cost, agreed in the prior appointment that must be made with the technical area of score. 

It is important to highlight that the event is being organized and developed 100% by members of the Southern BAJA racing community, with Juan Campos as the main person in charge.

Baja Racing Hall of Fame Member Arturo Nava Peralta is overseeing the work and La Paz resident Luis Medina Arcadia, will be interviewing the teams and riders who meet to certify their security teams, in an atmosphere of music, camaraderie and expectation for the arrival of score peninsula run, otherwise known as the Baja Mil.

The event will meet the teams and drivers who will see action in the 56th edition of "the thousand miles", "Baja Mil"

In relation to this event, Juan Campos commented: "The intention is that all the racers address this issue and have their helmets, hans and overalls already certified before the race, and that they have enough time to renew their equipment in case of that they do not pass the certification, so that they do not go 'to the races'.

In the days before the event… "Our intention is to make things easier for the runners of the south of the Baja so that they are prepared and ready with all their equipment in time and form…”, directly from score international.

La Paz and Baja California Sur will have one of the first events directly related to the Baja 1000 2023 for the benefit of the Southern BAJA residents who will participate in this long-awaited international event.

We'll see you on Saturday, September 23 in the parking lot of the La Paz Convention Center.



Pictured above are the 'Presidentes' of each municipality of Southern Baja and the Governor of the entire state, with SCORE representatives



From May 31, 2023

Here is the political structure of Baja Sur lining up to receive the racers of SCORE International, for the Baja 1000 2023.

These people were not in charge of the state when SCORE was last asking for permission to operate in Southern Baja. How soon the people forget the sins of SCORE owner, Roger Norman.

The last time they had dealings, the head honcho of Baja Sur, called Roger, "A LIAR", when he stiffed the state over the Baja Sur 500 fiasco.

Roger blamed all the financial losses on these politicians!

This humble newspaper Baja Racing News LIVE  !

will link back to our reporting, back in the day, when Roger Norman stiffed Baja Sur and the sport of off-road, over money!

Roger 'Dodger' Norman, owner of SCORE International, shim-sham, huckster and as Holly has stated, the wife of Mark Luhtala, "SCORE-BFGoodrich Tires racer Luhtala perished as a result of Roger Norman", during the 2006 Baja 1000.


From Saturday, May 5th

"We are fine-tuning details for the Baja 1000. The Government of Baja California Sur headed by Víctor Manuel Castro Cosío, held a meeting yesterday in the city of La Paz, with the president of Score International, Abelardo Grijalva, to continue working towards the 56th edition of the SCORE International Baja 1000. 

Also at the important meeting were the CEO of Score International, Juan Tintos Funke and Marco Durazo, reviewing different topics for the fourth date of the 2023 Score International World Championship, which will be held from November 13 to 18. 

For the first time in the history of the 1000 miles, the start will be in La Paz, venue that will have two days of mechanical review and also the starting flag, while the finish will be Ensenada."


From January 10th, 2023

The routing of the upcoming Baja Mil is already in the bag. In May, an official approval from Southern Baja will confirm all the little details.







Do you have information important to this reporting? Please send to

Jose Salas II, Publisher

Office Ensenada, Baja Norte, Mexico 


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