THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Monday, June 20, 2022

LIVE! Coyote 300 From La Paz BCS Friday June 17-Monday, June 20



LA PAZ, Southern BAJA 


Gary Newsome, Editor Ensenada, BC Mexico 




Pictured: Valeria Amador Camacho Stock Buggy First Place





Good Morning From The Magic Town of Todos Santos! 

Good Evening From Todos Santos, BCS, Mexico!

Baja Racing News is LIVE! from Southern Baja, covering the 2022 Coyote 300 Desert Off-Road Traditional Race for the entire weekend of June 17-20.

From the traditional start line in the Magic Town of Todos Santos to the white sand beach finish at La Paz, we'll deliver the hot, LIVE! action here, 

8AM Sunday RaceDay From Todos Santos-

Green Flag>>>Green Flag>>>Green Flag

Moto's first, Trucks Cars next>>>Racing Underway


Production Notes: Our LIVE! feed Supervisor at the start line will pick up the rest of the crew from Hotel California, then move to the finish line after all the starts are finished.

Look for LIVE! feeds at the finish line, later today. 


7PM Saturday From Todos Santos, BCS:

Contingency in Magic Town! 

Special Thanks to Hotel California>>>


1PM Saturday:

Welcome to Contingency and Tech later today.

At 6PM we'll be LIVE! ONLINE from Hotel California for all the race set-ups. 

Will the record be broken?  YES!

245 inscriptions record!

222 competition teams was the record for participation in the BIG BAD COYOTE race of off road, which is held by the 2010 Coyote 300... The XXVI edition of this race looks set to break that record...Stay Tuned>>>


1PM Friday:

"IMPORTANT INFORMATION COYOTE 300 DEAR FRIENDS PARTICIPATING RIDERS OF THE XXVI COYOTE 300: In order for all participating pilots and co-pilots to comply with the provisions established by the competent authorities in matters of Civil Protection and Security, in relation to the Medical Review and the participation of more than 2 people who are going to get on at a different point of the start of the race, whether in Motorsports or Motorcycling, it is extremely important to take into account this information: MEDICAL CHECK: The following points have been arranged for the Medical Check-up of each participating person: A.- Ambulance at timed start Motorcycling access to La Burrera (Sierra de La Laguna) from 6:00 a.m. B.- Ambulance in pre-start motoring in Todos Santos next to the Church (Benito Juárez and Márquez de León) From 6:00 a.m. C.- Ambulance at Check Point Num.4 (Jesús María) From 7:00 a.m. D.- Ambulance at the ReStart of the race at the Puente de la Col. October 8 from 8:00 a.m. PARTICIPATION OF MORE THAN 2 PEOPLE IN MOTORCYCLING OR MOTORCYCLING. A.- They must have the payment of the Medical Expenses insurance ($800.00). B.- Payment must be made directly with the insurance company representative who will be present at the Registration Desk in Todos Santos on Saturday, June 18, from 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. C.- You must collect your participation bands from the organization at the registration table in Todos Santos on Saturday, June 18, from 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. FINAL NOTES: To be a crew member of a competition vehicle in the coyote 300 race (car or motorcycle), you must wear the participant (insurance) and medical check-up bands AT ALL TIMES. THE CORRESPONDING BANDS WILL BE VERIFIED AT THESE POINTS: 1.- Pre start cars 2.- Timed start of cars and motorcycles 3.- Time cut km36 4.- Re start col bridge. October 8th The officers in charge of the checkpoints WILL HAVE THE FACULTY to deny the registration of time or exit in case of not having these requirements. We add to this information the motorsport pre-start training sketch. Let's help carry out each activity of the race with the order that is required. 

Let's take our off-road racing seriously!"

COYOTE 300 2022
Orden de Arranque
Probaja Desert Series 2022
4ta fecha: XXVI Coyote 300
18 y 19 de junio 2022
Orden de arranque conforme al sorteo.
Total sorteados: 208. 155 autos y 53 motos:
Motociclismo ProDezert:
Moto Pro: 9
1. 4x Isaac Aguirre
2. 44x Guillermo Dosal
3. 69x Eduardo Cruz
4. 7x Juan C. Flores Yee
5. 99x Carlos Pardini
6. 14x Irby Agundez
7. 1x Roberto Güereña
8. 39x Israel Mata
9. 20x Chandler Ernesto
Novatos MX: 12
1. 265x José C. Betancourt
2. 243x Antonio G. Sanchez
3. 272x Ramiro Mendoza
4. 273x Scott Rattray
5. 240x Andrés García
6. 262x Ricardo Torres
7. 212x Imanol Gonzalez
8. 208x Saúl Nava
9. 228x Diego Argenis
10. 252x Fabian Aguirre
11. 293x Ismael Cueto (2r/s)
12. 205x Yobani Acosta (1r/s)
Intermedios/30 ATV: 8
1. 136a Emilio López
2. 129a Viery Rubio
3. 187a César Rocha
4. 161a Samuel Andrade
5. 132a Erick Saúl Hernández
6. 131a Giovanny Márquez
7. 134a Paul Coronado
8. 125a Juan Luis Alvarez
ATV Pro: 8
1. 1a Fco. Villavicencio
2. 20a Edwin Sánchez
3. 21a José Raúl Castro
4. 69a René Tapia
5. 55a Edwin López
6. 56a Salvador Perezpliego
7. 25a Carlos Jordan
8. 2a Pedro Loya
Intermedios/30 MX: 13
1. 183x Alexander Verinis
2. 718x Franky de Paiva
3. 167x Javier Minjares
4. 411x Brett Doogan
5. 185x Daniel Higuera G.
6. 197x Matthew Cox
7. 179x Javier Garcia
8. 102x Miguel Manriquez
9. 404x Ivan Sánchez
10. 175x Juan J. Marquez
11. 416x Luis Morales
12. 143x Addiel Castillo (2r/s)
13. 163x Fernando Ojeda (1r/s)
Novatos ATV: 3
1. 273a German Montaño
2. 204a Jonathan sifuentes
3. 258a Luis Rodríguez
Clase Trophy Truck: 4
1. 31 Carlos Ramos Murillo
2. 74 James Sejd
3. 96 Enrique Murillo
4. 29 Luis Camarena
Clase 1: 12
1. 136 Alonso Ramírez
2. 177 Julio Castellón
3. 183 Jesús Ruiz
4. 189 Eduardo Güitrón
5. 117 Blas Gracia
6. 118 José Cuauhtémoc Ceseña/ José Antonio Ceseña
7. 144 Mario Fonseca
8. 198 Alan Chávez
9. 101 Juan Pablo Sández
10. 188 Julio Verdugo
11. 104 Andrés Bataglia
12. 150 Armando Molina
Clase 8: 7
1. 802 Arturo Ordoñez
2. 820 Adolfo Sandoval Talamantes
3. 828 Daniel Hernández / Paúl López M.
4. 835 Carlos Peñúñuri
5. 834 Alfonso Jaime
6. 829 Víctor Manuel González Lucero
7. 810 Endy Lara
Clase 2/10: 10
1. 246 Raymundo Peralta
2. 1007 David Jarvis
3. 1010 Israel Chong
4. 250 Darío Rojas
5. 1089 Manlio Díaz
6. 1075 Javier Montoya
7. 1005 Erick González
8. 1071 Rodrigo Alejandro Varela
9. 1082 Carlos Jiménez
10. 1054 Andrés Ruffo de Alba
Clase 7: 8
1. 749 Marco Antonio Castro
2. 729 José Luis Rosas Polanco
3. 723 Rigoberto Leyva
4. 702 David Ruiz Agúndez
5. 727 Silvino Ortega / Tony López
6. 734 Raúl Burgoin
7. 748 Diego Vail
8. 713 Mario Murillo
Clase 16: 18
1. 1650 Silvestre Arce
2. 1627 Daniel Orozco
3. 1686 Juan Carlos Pinales
4. 1654 Alba Sandoval
5. 1602 Nigel Gale
6. 1691 Romeo Gamboa
7. 1681 Jonathan Sánchez
8. 1679 Enrique Zazueta
9. 1694 Juan Carlos García
10. 1667 Jesús Manríquez
11. 1662 Armando Boheme / Kay Boheme
12. 1685 Fernando Dávalos
13. 1617 Juan Olave
14. 1605 Stephen Davis
15. 1689 Humberto Güitrón
16. 1647 Abelino Carrillo
17. 1677 Sergio Ojeda M.
18. 1673 Rafael Corona/David Orozco/Daniel Orozco 1RS
Clase 29: 21
1. 2924 Martín Salgado
2. 2907 Omar Verdugo
3. 2921 Giovani González Pelayo
4. 2999 Samuel Araiza
5. 2954 Carlos Olmos / Dariel Herrera
6. 2928 Juan Cota
7. 2929 Luis Camarena Jr.
8. 2935 Tomás Cantor Bertín
9. 2958 Héctor Valle Jr.
10. 2988 Jorge Vela
11. 2926 Casey Bates
12. 2949 Daniel Solís
13. 2977 Jorge Barajas
14. 2951 Alejandro Ayala
15. 2910 Aarón Montufas B.
16. 2973 Julio Castillo
17. 2920 Luis Melesio Solis
18. 2905 Eduardo Gastelum
19. 2963 Alejandro Tirado
20. 2911 James Torres
21. 2942 Henry Palos
Clase 8S: 1
1. 877 José Vidal Castilo
Clase 7SX: 18
2. 7089 Alejandro Acosta
3. 7037 Filiberto Sarabia
4. 7074 Fernando Ramírez
5. 7050 David Dueñas / Rey David Lucero
6. 7034 Antonio Cázares
7. 7098 Alejandro Sánchez
8. 7045 Javier Cadena
9. 7090 Hiram Betancourt / Ruben Betancourt
10. 7080 Emilio Davis
11. 7008 Carlos Genaro Cazares Canett
12. 7013 Ramón González
13. 7092 Edgar Félix
14. 7022 Arath Flores / Sofía Victoria
15. 7006 Enrique Burgoin
16. 7015 Edwin Adame / Eder Ceseña
17. 7060 Roberto Osorio
18. 7059 Javier Murillo
Clase Stock Mini 7S: 18
1. 790 Gabriel Villarino
2. 797 Jesús González Avilés
3. 770 Edward Cota
4. 756 Miguel Meza/Cesar Meza
5. 7787 Iván Montijo
6. 7765 Jahel Zamudio / Everardo Luzania
7. 778 Raúl Carballo Zumaya
8. 785 Mario Cham
9. 753 Marco Tagle
10. 7719 Arturo Valencia Niño de Rivera
11. 791 Francisco Javier Cruz Meza
12. 7710 Joel Rivas López
13. 7752 Alejandro Camacho
14. 7760 Diego Barrera
15. 792 Roberto Gálvez Jr.
16. 786 Sergio fuentes / Gilberto Rodríguez
17. 799 Edde Velázquez
18. 798 Iván Sánchez Higuera
Clase 14 Sportman Truck: 7
1. 1470 Juan Oswaldo Lucero
2. 1492 Jorge Gurrola
3. 1473 Jonathan Chong
4. 1408 Nestor Ortega
5. 1418 Samuel Tuchmann
6. 1420 Sergio Martínez 2RS
7. 1469 Rigoberto Castro 1RS
Clase 15 Sportman Buggy: 1
1. 1508 Julio Verdugo Jr.
Clase 19: 5
1. 1933 Arius García
2. 1966 Agustín Novelo
3. 1915 Rafael Montaño
4. 1944 Iván Sánchez
5. 1905 Raúl Soto
Clase Stock Buggy: 11
1. 1593 Elí Alarcón
2. 1583 Roberto Vizcaíno/Jonathan Dávalos
3. 1598 Valeria Amador / Ray René Rubio
4. 1580 Arath Cota Peñaloza
5. 1552 Cayetano Cota
6. 1575 Ernesto Antonio Hernández Meza
7. 1597 Cristian Salgado
8. 1566 Alan Búrquez
9. 1578 Pedro Velázquez H.
10. 1558 Abel Rubalcava
11. 1562 Alfredo Verdugo
Clase 9: 9
1. 987 Vicente García
2. 921 Lorenzo Raúl González
3. 902 Roberto Güereña Guillins
4. 989 Efrén Martínez Rosas
5. 966 Martín Mendoza
6. 986 Héctor Martínez
7. 988 Ramiro Cota
8. 982 Eutimio Pérez Medrano
9. 962 Alberto Abaroa 1RS
Clase 11: 5
1. 1110 Pablo Bañaga/Carlos Salgado/Eleazar Insunza
2. 1198 Carlos Sánchez / Jesús Sánchez
3. 1107 Jorge Mendoza
4. 1190 Ángel Cesar Ceseña
5. 1105 Adrián Pérez 1RS


The pair of Carlos, Peñuñuri & Ortiz are reported ready for this years Coyote 300 2022, in this 25th Edition of the traditional desert off-road race will be celebrated with Father's Day.

Azteca is ready to receive Carlos Peñuñuri at the wheel and in charge of the sailing to Tobeño Carlos Ortiz, son of Carlos Ortiz on seven leagues.

Our team wishes for safety and good will for all teams this weekend.



Reported by: Javier Tirador

Edited by: Gary Newsome



THE 2020 KING OF BAJA EXPO! LIVE ONLINE COVERAGE Guests of the Expo enjoyed the Film Festival in Cabo San Lucas and Mucho Mas! 


THE 2019 KING OF BAJA EXPO! LIVE ONLINE COVERAGE Guests of the Expo enjoyed the Film Festival in Cabo San Lucas and Mucho Mas!  


THE 2018 KING OF BAJA EXPO! LIVE ONLINE COVERAGE Guests of the Expo enjoyed the Film Festival in Cabo San Lucas and Mucho Mas!




"The Archives" 

This is where the 'safety regimes' started in Southern Baja:

From the 2016 Coyote 300 reporting:  

"To avoid any suspicion that the pilots involved in the Coyote 300 career lead their units drunk, this morning the transportation office of the Municipal Police by Julio Cesar Mendoza Meza, applied by surprise random operating breathalyzer.  This area out of this popular competition, at kilometer 36 of the road north, then the symbolic start of the more than 100 competitors registered boardwalk area. The finish line "goal" of this race was "on the beach", at El Tecolote playa.   The operating breathalyzer is done in order to dispel any doubt or suspicion that competitors state incoveniente lead their units, given that in past editions career off road accidents have occurred with fatal consequences."

2016 Coyote 300 


LIVE! COYOTE 300 2015


LIVE! COYOTE 300 2014


LIVE! COYOTE 300 2013


LIVE! COYOTE 300 2012

Gary Newsome, Editor Ensenada, BC Mexico

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