THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Score Race Red Alert, Medical Evacuation Reflects Negligence and Bloodies Score Racer Gaston Vazquez Seriously Injured



Baja Racing News INVESTIGATES!

UPDATE! Saturday, September 30

State of Baja California Health Department in the capital of Mexicali declares SCORE International illegal medical operator and puts local Red Cross on notice, "Any further medical failures on the part of Red Cross operations working with SCORE International, the state will will place under arrest any medical operators working on the illegal SCORE medical operations"

No comment yet from the United States based race sanction.

The complaints don't just rest in Mexico CLICK HERE and the State of Baja California discovered SCORE International has no health certificates, as required by local laws, to perform ANY medical functions in the Republic of Mexico! 

-Roger Norman/SCORE is running a FAKE Medical Response Operation, plain and simple.

After one week of talking to numerous sources, including former safety officer Bill Black for Score, here's the quote of the year:

"SCORE International is running a FAKE safety crew during the races!"

Bill Black, Former SCORE Safety Director

The PROOF, "where's the SAFETY PLAN for the 2023 Baja 1000 in November???"

FACT: There hasn't been a PUBLIC race safety plan in place for score since Bill Black departed for cause, Score International. 

During the ill-fated 2013 Baja 1000, their 'public' race safety plan failed. Their race tracking plan, also failed.

The result, KTM famed racer Kurt Caselli lay dead in the desert.

In later years investigations, Investigator Baja Bill Fuentes found, "Kurt Caselli had been murdered by Honda Racing Johnny Cambell and SCORE owner, Roger Norman." 

- Recent Race Red Alert, Medical Evacuation Reflects Negligence and Bloodies Score Racer Gaston Vazquez; Seriously Injured Now Hospitalized!


UPDATED September 20

"Gaston Vazquez undergoing treatment after Baja 400 accident 

By Justin Nguyen, September 20, 2023

Gaston Vazquez suffered spinal injuries and multiple fractured vertebrae in a frightening accident during Saturday’s Baja 400, necessitating an airlift to hospital and surgeries. As his recovery continues, his team has launched a GoFundMe fundraiser to pay for his medical expenses.

Vazquez was competing on the #441X Pro Moto 40 team led by Alirio Amado when he crashed at the 350-mile mark. David Smith, a bike rider in the Pro Moto 30 category, and his #319X stable were the first to reach Vazquez and call for help; Smith got nineteen minutes and three seconds removed from his total time for helping a fellow competitor. 

 Score Moto racer Gaston Vazquez


Following Vazquez’s crash, Amado continued the race in tribute and finished third in class.

SCORE International summoned a helicopter to evacuate Vazquez, during which chase crews reported he had no movement below his neck but was “maintaining his own airway.” 

After being taken to a hospital in Ensenada, he was transferred to another facility to undergo emergency surgery for his spinal cord on Sunday, which was successfully completed. By Tuesday, he remains in the intensive care unit but is recovering. Jim Jaros, one of his #441X team-mates, opened a

 GoFundMe fundraiser 

on Tuesday night with the goal of generating USD $10,000 (€9,358.55).

“I thought there seems to be no better use of Gofundme than a situation such as this for such a good man that will have a long road to recovery,” wrote Jaros. “If you can find it in your heart to donate, every little bit counts and we all know there are times in life where we don’t WANT to ask for help but we need to. Gaston is not the type to ask so figured I would do it for him. Thank you in advance for any consideration given.”

As of this article’s publication, the fundraiser has raised over $2,100. Trophy Truck driver Andy McMillin has the largest donation so far at $500; McMillin provided a request for medical aid during the race, earning him thirty-three seconds in time credits.

“Baja is more than a race. The competitors are like family,” McMillin stated. “I believe the time credit I received was when we were the first truck to Gaston late in the race. It broke my heart watching the other 2 Moto riders move him off the course. We called it in immediately and it was sitting heavy on us as we kept racing.

”Vazquez, a father of four and high school teacher when not racing, won the Pro Moto 40 division with the #441X team at the San Felipe 250 and Baja 500.""


Here's the LIVE ! ONLINE reporting from ther Baja 400 2023 event:

"">>>medical evac, moto rider...Story Reporting Continues CLICK HERE>>>
RM340-345 "no feeling below neck". Medic on-site reviewing matter. 
The medic confirmed Moto 441X down, VCP 153, Chopper at site (reports low on fuel, will need to lift off soon).
Stand By...[score medical chopper enroute] Injured Moto Rider ID:
 "441x Alirio Amado, PRO MOTO 40 CLASS"

**Scott doesn't call out a code red for five minutes after the on-site medical confirmed the rider had paid his fucking score fees. then scott calls off the code red, BEFORE the score chopper arrives.
Vitals reported: "98/60, Alert, maintaining his own airway"
THE OWNER OF THE COMPANY, Score-International/Promote Mexico, is racing in his own event...4:30-5PM Saturday, Sept. 16, 2023

We've titled this screengrab, 'score medical negligence 1'.""






Jose Salas II, Publisher



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