THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Thursday, June 23, 2016

SCORE BAJA 1000 50th Running; The Good, Bad and Ugly; 2017


UPDATE! March 6, 2017
FROM February 22, 2016 Original Reporting

By: Gary Newsome, Editor
LIVE! From La Paz, The Capital of Off-Road Racing: 

June 23, 2016 UPDATE

State of Baja Sur and La Paz City administrators continue to explain that SCORE International was never in compliance with its contractual obligations from its previous race event. Just this reason is enough for the local community to reject any offer Norman makes in the future, for a new race to La Paz!

NOW! The environmental blockades to SCORE or any other race organizer are enormous! New regulations from Mexico City  are changing large scale recreation events here, in Baja Sur.

Up next!>>>The new protected areas>>>HERE    

June 20 UPDATE



OFFICIAL STATEMENT: "From this date the Mexican Army has taken to the streets of the capital of Baja California Sur and other cities in the state, with the firm intention of lowering the crime rate, to stem the tide of violence and crimes of high impact as have given and each day increase without that it can achieve calm."

Secretariat of National Defense

Baja Sur Governor Mendoza confirms National Defense Statement

"The state governor, Carlos Mendoza confirmed that the Mexican Army will patrol the streets of BCS La Paz, Baja California Sur (BCS). The Governor of Baja California Sur, Carlos Mendoza Davis, announced that the Mexican Army, in collaboration with the Navy and elements of the Federal Police, perform tasks of patrolling and surveillance along the streets of the entity, taking command public security in the middle peninsula. After the news was made ​​known unofficially, through a note published by Collective Pericú, the morning of Friday, the state executive confirmed that these actions will be carried out to ensure the safety of Baja California Sur, he said.

Media reports following the wave of violence and crimes of high impact have sucitado recent weeks in the middle peninsula, from this June 17, the Mexican Army will take the reins of Public Safety entity. In this regard, the state ruler said that such measures are part of the agreements Coordination Group Security Baja California Sur, since it is necessary to combine and coordinate such actions so that thereby the full development activities are allowed the inhabitants, in a climate free of violence. Within the coordination group and derivative agreements in have been taken, the Mexican Army, the Navy and Federal Police will increase their cooperation to the efforts of the State Preventive Police, Attorney General of the State and bodies of municipal security patrols in the surveillance by the various colonies and roads of the population of the state. We are working to ensure the tranquility of Baja California Sur, and nobody, absolutely nobody, we remove the better future we are working , "said Mendoza Davis. Finally, the Governor reiterated that the sum of these efforts pays off in the tranquility of all in Baja California Sur." 

ejercito policia operativo los cabos
National Defense forces of the Republic of Mexico are now patrolling and securing the Capital of Baja Sur, La Paz.

"Starting today, the Mexican Army has taken the streets of La Paz and other cities in the state, with the firm goal of lowering the crime rate, to stop the wave of violence and the high impact crimes, which have occurred and which are increasing daily without achieving peace. This was reported to our reporter, here in La Paz by sources with the National Secretary of Defense. 

 The intervention of the Mexican Army has become necessary, as the wave of high impact crimes has overwhelmed all the police in the state and they have asked for federal support to provide society what it craves, and that is tranquility, peace in the city and for its families. 
 [Image: 0-a-a-ejercito-calles-de-la-paz.jpg?w=640&h=381]

The Mexican Army will establish roadblocks and inspection points, and they will search car by car, and so they are asking the citizenry to collaborate so the soldiers work can be effective. There will be these types of actions in different colonias of La Paz, above all where there are areas of major criminal impact. This is the start of the dismantling of criminal cells. In the first 16 days of June, there were 12 murders, seven people wounded with firearms, two people killed in fights and more than 20 reports of firearms being fired in various colonias of the city."


RACE BULLETIN! June 15, 2016 

Reporting from La Paz, Baja California Sur - At approximately 3AM state police arrested a man in a blue Honda who had two AK-47s, several magazines for them and hundreds of bullets. The man, whose alias is El Gallina, is a racer and regularly drives Trophy Trucks in local off road races. 
Carlos Sanchez Villasenor "The Hen"

Unofficial information published in another newspaper, indicates that the car was stopped at kilometer 9 on the highway south from La Paz for an inspection at a law enforcement roadblock! Because there had been reports of gunfire in colonia Villad del Encahto, a roadblock was set up. 

When the driver of the blue Honda was signaled to stop, at first he tried to keep going. When he saw the massive show of law enforcement, police patrol cars, he decided to stop and give up.

Baja Sur has been in the grip of a general crime wave, ever since Sal Fish moved here, to La Paz!

According to the same source, the weapons were involved in the last gunfights which have occurred in La Paz, and they are investigating the link with the attempt on El Zambo, but mainly with the events of last May 13. It appears that El Gallina is mixed-up with people in the drug business, from the extreme southern part of the state of Baja Sur.

April 9 UPDATE


The Scheduled 2017 is now at risk, Baja Sur Officials said today, "Roger Norman has made significant mistakes in our state, the government is considering levying fines on the racing organization from the north and until he pays the fines and begins a 'professional negotiation', SCORE International WILL NOT be invited back to Baja Sur".

"Enviromental, private ranchland and ejido damages from previous SCORE races in our state must be taken of, first, before any further discussions about a future race here".

The story that broke the PAINFUL TRUTH! "Roger Norman is a LIAR!", from the Baja Sur Tourism Department

Small business associated with the races are also voicing displeasure and demands for compensation, here in La Paz. "SCORE has owed us money for the last two years", an important business functionary said today.

Sal Fish never told Roger Norman about the real, severe problems here in Baja Sur. Sal wanted to take Rogers money and retire, with no hassles, here in La Paz.

Sal's failure to disclose the entire story to the 'new' owner fits into the way desert racing had ignored all of the ongoing issues.

The locals always looked at Sal as the 'money bags' from the north. At the point of the sale to Roger, Roger has looked at the Baja south locals as 'his' money bags.

Money bags to grab and run to his bank accounts, north. 

For years, the ejido problems damaged the operations of gringo racing in Baja Mexico. There are wide swaths of roads here in Baja south, off-limits to SCORE.

Gringo racers know the reality on the ground. There are places, obvious race cars cannot tread. All the bad feelings result in stolen cars and equipment. 

Of course, the hacks in off-road media ignore, cover-up and white-wash the reality. More victims are produced.

Ignorant first timers get jacked from raised prices for gringos and back-handed retribution from fellow racers, keep the gringos from returning. 

One year the presidente of Loreto was paid to fix the damaged roads after the Baja 1000 to La Paz that year.

The roads didn't get fixed, they never have. It's mainly because it just wasn't important to SCORE. Sal and Roger never have had an official representative dedicated to this southern state.

The only people Roger worked with were the criminals!

The criminals got busted!

Busted criminals after THE DISASTER!

El SCORE Gringo!

The event that ruined it for SCORE and the 2017 B1000; covered LIVE!

*And the obvious...

Locals are complaining about the general insecurity. Ten years ago, this was non-existent. Baja south was very secure. 

Everything now, is destabilized. General crime is rampant. Most local governments are bankrupt or soon to be bankrupt.

Things are so bad, the Los Cabos municipality folded up its police force. Now, they have a 'State police' force, looking over things.

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